Does this picture look odd? The color of the cranberry sauce looks like nail polish, but trust me, it tasted very good. I imagine many people have figured out that I'm mad for meatballs, and this recipe also fulfills my quest to eat iron rich foods. Turkey is high in iron, and the cranberries supply vitamin C, which facilitates absorption of iron into the body.
These aren't my favorite meatballs, but I liked the taste of the fresh oregano in the recipe, coupled with the tart, sweet cranberry sauce. Fresh oregano tastes very different to me than when it's dried. I like them both, but prefer Penzeys excellent dried oregano, which explodes with flavor and aroma. But, the bitter, pine taste of fresh oregano seemed the perfect herb to complement the cranberry sauce. And it seems a good recipe for Weekend Herb Blogging, the weekly event created by our marvelous Kalyn, of Kalyn's Kitchen. This week WHB is being hosted by the lovely Simona at Briciole, where you will find a recap of herby recipes from bloggers around the world.
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