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June 26, 2008



Smoked clams AND spinach . . . that needs to be in my bowl. That is a wonder dish! All the good stuff healthy and tasty!!
And by the way Sher, I really like that bowl.

Misplaced Texan

Sounds wonderful! By the way, I am misplaced to the south coast of England and there are loads of cockles to be had from seaside vendors. They serve them in little styrofoam cups, with malt vinegar and lots of black pepper and you eat them with toothpick and they're absolutely fabulous!


OH Sher! I would never have thought to put smoked bi-valves on my pasta. I'm always eating them with a cheese plate and crackers on the back of a boat. BUT I can tell you what my next pasta meal will be!


Oh, yummy! I love smoked food! That pasta dish looks awesomely delicious!

Cheers and have a great weekend!



Ooh! Ooh! That looks really lovely! I love clams too and this is just crying out to me...


Sher, this pasta is screaming out "iron"... and "delish"!!! I'm with you about our bodies able to absorb much more vitamins/minerals from natural food.


Good job, getting those iron-rich ingredients in there, and it looks delicious!


I didn't know mollusks have a high amount of iron - great dish!!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)

I'd make this with regular clams (not smoked, which make me so thirsty, for some reason). And I agree -- getting more iron through nutrition is much easier on your system than taking the iron supplements, which my own system finds a bit harsh. Spinach is so good for this!


Smoked oysters definitely a former vice of mine, now that i know it is rich in iron... This is the kind of dinner that one ignores all dinner guests while eating.


This one is awesome! And it's good for me too. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.


I had no idea that mollusks were a better source of iron than liver. Good information! I look forward to clams; liver, not so much.


I have never tried smoked clams...sounds 1deerfull!


Delish looking recipe. Isn't it crazy what happens to our bodies? One minute we feel fine then the next thing you know we get that what I call "medicine head" muddy foggy head feeling. Anything food-wise that can help is great and this recipe looks wonderful!


This is the kind of dish I love!


That looks so good. Serves 1 (in my opinion) :)


I'm so impressed with out committed you are to getting your iron from foods. It would be easy to just think the supplements were enough but I'm with you. I think it's more effective to get as much as possible from good food.


Smoked clams, nice twist -- clever you!


wow, sherry, this looks FABULOUS! i love smoked oysters - shamelessly, i eat them straight out of the can with some saltines, usually while i'm reading e-mail/playing spider solitaire; sometimes while i'm waiting for dinner!!! eat the whole can in one sitting, every single time!!! i don't think i've ever known about smoked clams, though. i love clams, so i probably would like them a lot. i'll have to try to find them, although i do see that you can make this dish with the smoked oysters, too. THOSE i ALWAYS have in my pantry! can't wait to try this! keep up the iron infusions any way you can, kiddo; got to beat that anemia at its source!!! :D talk soon.


You should post this on epicurious! It sounds wonderful!


That is so funny. I have never known anyone else that, like me, eats smoked clams for the iron.
Thanks for the recipe, it will do my blood good :)


I'll be thinking of you tomorrow..when I make this dish. Again.

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