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June 05, 2008



uck . . . hope it's all better soon Sher!

Kelly Cat's favorite human

It's one thing when a person whose tastes go no farther than McDonald's can't eat... but when someone who enjoys and appreciates good food is stricken with a stomach bug, man oh man... life is *so* not fair.

Sending feel-better vibes your way for a quick recovery.


Hope you feel better dear!


I feel for ya! When I was down with the flu this spring, it was club soda with lime.

Feel better in time for the weekend!


Oh boo! What a complete drag. Hope you are better soon.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)

Stomach bugs are the worst. Feel better soon!


Oh, poor Sher! Please feel better soon.

Cape Cod Kitty

Sending you loud purring and many wishes that you will feel better very soon....Ms Graysea and her Mum.


This is the first post ever of a dish that I could atually make. : )

Feel better. : )


Oh no! So sorry you're not feeling well.
(But congratulations on the banana!).


hope you getting better soon!
Maybe steamed plain rice to see if your stomach can take it first?

Baking Soda

I do have a tiny little recipe for you which I think you can eat (and stays in, either way).
My mum used to mash a banana with a few tablespoons fresh orange juice and fed us that during this kind of trouble. I do the same with my kids and really it works. Also forms a nice layer to keep the steamed white rice in there as well.
Take care!


John's comment cracked me up!

Hope you are on the mend, my darling Sher!

Patricia Scarpin

I hope you get better soon, my dear!


Warm low sodium chicken broth with a spritz of lemon always makes my tummy feel better.

Hope you are feeling better soon.


Bananas are the best when you're sick! I hope you get all back to normal soon.


I hope you're feeling better soon Sher-pie.

Mrs. L

I'm all about 7-up and saltines when I'm sick! Hope you're doing better.

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