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« Bread Baking Babes: Poilane-Style Miche | Main | PPN: Alphabet Soup »

May 20, 2008


Patricia Scarpin

That is something I have never heard before, Sher!


Wow that looks so good! You amaze me with all the things you just "whip up"!!!


Out of sight and over the top on the Miche!! That does sound about perfect to top the Miche with. Will have to whip some up!


D'you think dill pickles could replace the sweet? I think I'll try it that way.

Looks tasty!


Sher I love Liptauer cheese. I think I made a recipe once that had mashed anchovies in it as well!!! This looks so good with or without the bread.


Yum...this would make a great afternoon snack for me.


Liptauer cheese sounds really good!

Baking Soda

This is something that would go down really really well here! Thanks for the recipe, going to try this sooooon.


My goodness, this looks and sounds delicious. That Nigella, she's got some good stuff. Your bread rocks, too, wowie.


Yes! We must have had ESP that day because I did something in the same vein. I had some leftover dip from Michelle's grad party, a cream cheese, seasoned with roasted red peppers and herbs, something I'd just whipped together that sounded good and then I slathered it on the miche and was in heaven!

I'd never heard of Nigella's but it looks wonderful!

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