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May 11, 2008



That's a cupcake overload for me just looking at them. I reached for the strawberry ones but got my screen instead. ;) Then I look at all those kids and think 'They could probably eat that many!' Youth, sigh.
Hadn't seen a hummer limo before . . .
Cupcakes look beautiful!


Those cupcakes look very pretty and delicious! It must have been a great party...



Gretchen Noelle

That was really *sweet* of you to make all of those! Wow...a hummer limo...


These are beautiful and what a nice thing you did! I bet you're now adopted by all those kids.

I laughed when you said smelling all the butter and sugar made you queasy. My brothers and sister and I have talked about how growing up with a cake decorator mom the smell of frosting isn't always a good thing, we used to get tired of it too, and just the fact that frosting has a smell--you don't normally think of it has having a strong odor but it does. It's unmistakable.

Patricia Scarpin

Oh, these are some yummy cupcakes, Sher!

Niall Harbison

Hi There. I have just been looking through your blog and it is excellent. I have now bookmarked it and will be a regular reader. I especially like the design and the photos. I am a blogger myself and have set up a site called http://www.ifoods.tv where bloggers and foodies can share their photos and drive traffic to their own blog. Would love to see some of your great photos on there! Keep the great work up on the blog. Cheers!


Sher those cupcakes are amazing! Can you come and live near me? I need a friend like you!


Those girls must have loved these! And the hummer. Different times!


The cupcakes look scrumptious! Lucky girls!


i think this is just perfect for you! ;-P


gosh, did you save me a strawberry one?


Birthday parties are crazy today compared to what I had.
Oh and there is no such thing as cupcake overload. :)

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)

Beautiful cupcakes! If you have too many chocolate ones, I'm happy to help you....


I read that F&W article too. I don't care much for buttercream. All of that butter kind of grosses me out. I prefer the cream cheese type frostings.

I'm sure the kids gobbled those up though, and they look really great :)

Renae du Jour

Cupcakes are so happy. I love to make them, but finding a good recipe that stands out can be challenging. These look outstanding.


What a great friend you are. I think I'd like to eat several dozen of those right this second... they're for the babies, you know. Definitely not for me. ;)

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