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« Ines Rosales Sweet Olive Oil Tortas | Main | PPN: Pasta Shells Stuffed With Lamb, Feta Cheese, And Spinach »

April 07, 2008



I love meatballs too! Everything about this sounds good, especially the parsley and the idea of adding parmesan. Saving the recipe to try!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)

I've been making something similar, but substituting dry falafel mix for the bread crumbs!

Patricia Scarpin

I'll be trying these, Sher. If I can't find turkey easily, I'll use chicken instead. The idea of adding parsley, garlic and parmesan sounds so good!

Cate O'Malley

Love the idea of adding Parmesan - sounds yummy.


Those meatballs look extremely good and tasty! With parmesan, parsley and garlic, it's impossible to go wrong!




I have been seeing a lot of meatballs on blogs lately. I guess I will be making meatballs in my future!!


Meatballs are so fun and I am loving all the different ways now to put them together. We like to have leftover meatballs as a sandwich the next day. Almost like a meatloaf sandwich but more challenging!


I'm with you on meatball fun. It is sort of like the chocolate chip cookie recipe, no matter how many recipes there are, I always want to try another recipe! Happy juggling-


Another tasty sounding meatball recipe. I need to start making meatballs more often.


oH YUM!!! I would defenitely try this out. :)


looks great. Can I substitue the parmesan with something else, non-dairy?


I love turkey meatballs. We go to my Italian great aunt's house every Sunday for dinner, and hers are to die for...just like yours, I'm sure.


Parmesan, breadcrumbs, garlic and parsley are the classic italian meatball combination. Another really good recipe similar to this can be found in The Best Recipe Cookbook by the Cook's Illustrated people. However, it uses only 1 egg yolk per 1 lb beef. The other proportions are similar to this Epicurious recipe. They looked delicious and I think making 2 lbs worth and freezing them is a great idea.


Sher, what an adorable presentation! And you always have a good taste to meatballs. Parsley is a stable on our dining table, one more good way to use it, bravo!


These look great - and very similar to a Sicilian meatball recipe my husband makes that has become a family favorite (add currants, pinenuts and lots of tomato sauce to this recipe). I think using turkey would be a great alternative. Lamb (and maybe cilantro with a feta cheese?) would be another great experiment to try. Hmmm...so many meatball possibilities!


meatballs are so good. Another recipe for me to try.

Sues is not Martha

Mmmm I might have to try these. And I love that you used turkey. I think it's just as good as beef when in meatballs :)



Meatballs are just good and I love the endless little changes that make a whole new meatball. I'm always looking at variations on favorite dishes although Gorn doesn't like me to change the old favorites.


These look great- I would have baked them too. I trust that 4 fork rating!


thank you for a great entry for WHB.


Sher, I made these last night for dinner (I used beef and baked them) and served them over grilled polenta rounds with a chunky tomato sauce, even my super picky husband loved them and requested leftovers for his lunch today! Thanks for the great recipe, we're definitely keeping this one!

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