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« PPN: Pasta Shells Stuffed With Lamb, Feta Cheese, And Spinach | Main | Butterscotch Sauce »

April 12, 2008


Cape Cod Kitty

Laura has the "imp" look purrfected! We have always said that the cat world has their very own long list of laws and one of the first is:
If it can be moved, it must be; even better if it is something of value which can be tattered or discarded, "by accident" into a crevice or wastebasket, it will be done!
The bathroom scenario is true kitten, too...LOL
They are such fun....Sweet Pumpkin.
Purrs for the missing kitties and their Mum!

Pia K

Oh, she reminds me a lot of one of the two special little liquorice trolls I have here with me. Always up to something mischiveous. But he purrs a whole lot to!
She looks adorable and I'm sure she's just going through her kitten tyke phase:)


It has been so long since a kitten graced the presence of my home that I wouldn't even know what to do. I might keep this list handy....just in case.

She is adorable too. That photo of her jumping Pumpkin is SO great!


Hi dahling. Are those places where WCB is? They don't mention WCB, but I hope those kitties are alright.
Laura's so pretty. she's SO Kami. He was a terror. When he was tiny and So bad I'd take him into the bathroom (I could easily hold him in one hand then) and I'd stick him under the tap and he'd get so upset! His little arms and legs would wriggle and he'd cry and I'd be all "well then stop wrecking my house!"
If I can figure out where WCB is for sure I'll tll you the story of Kami at his worst. SO BAD!
What happened to Pumpkin's compadre? How many kitties (and squirrels) do you have there now?
How many Reeses Peanut Butter cups do you have? You should set those free, you know. If they come back, they're yours. If they don't,...well, they're MINE!


It sounds as if her temperament defies her sweet "Little House on the Prairie" name! I'm excited to hear more about her shenanigans.


Little Laura sounds as if she's full of life and full of the devil. What a good kitty Pumpkin is to put up with all her kitten shenanigans.


That's great! There will be no down time with Laura in residence! Yes, I'm sure those rules are still under construction!


Hello Dear Sher, the news about the kitties in the fire is scary, and I hope and purr for their safe recovery. Oh, may the kitties be safe! Now, little Laura is a cutie for sure. I like her photo while on the quilt, showing you how her paws work. It sounds like she is very good and showing you how her paws work in real life too! The toilet paper roll sounds too fun.


OMG, she is extremely sweet! Wow, she seems to have grown a lot... Poor Pumpkin!

Black kitties are monsters ;-P!!! That panties trick of hers really made me laugh!!!!

My cats will soon be 13, but they still act like crazy devils!!!

Have fun with your "baby" and cheers,



That first picture is amazing!


she is cute. my bella is the family princess. she brings so much joy and comfort. your food blogs look beautiful and i love the greek infulence in the shells.


Ah, yes. Life with a kitten. I remember it fondly, even though my two "kittens" are turning 10 at the end of this month. I am hoping and praying for a happy ending to those three kitties' tragic story.


She may not grow out of it. Our cat Stanley jumps into my husbands underwear when he is on the pot.

Laura is cute..thanks for reminding me why we can't get another baby kitty.


Love your cats !
But don't forget : they own you ! Its a mistake to think you own them .....

Bonnie Underfoot's Mom

Laura sounds a LOT like Bonnie as a kitten. She was a real terror! She attacked our hands and feet while we were sleeping, with full claw extensions! She ruined several pairs of my nylons while I was wearing them and shredded my legs!

GOOD NEWS about the cats in the fire! Lilly Lu, Mu Shue Pooh and Iris were found hiding in the apartment, frightened but OK! A policeman even got them out for Mom Laura tonight instead of making her wait until morning so they can get checked out and all their medicines. Laura said they looked frightened but NOT sickly. Our purrs were answered!

Bonnie Underfoot's Mom

PS the link for WCB itself is http://www.blog.catblogosphere.com/2008/04/13/weekend-cat-blogging-2/


Laura looks adorable - not at all the little devil! I used to say that Stasia was lucky to survive her first year. She had an envelope fetish. I came home to find all the envelopes and stamps for my bills stuck together! I still have to hide stamps from her.

I hope you and Laura and Pumpkin are having a lot of fun with each other.


But you'd forgive her anything, right? ;)

Gypsy & Tasha 's Mum

Ah kittens...your list takes me back to when Tasha first moved in - she was a bit older that Laura, but that's really the main difference - I really identified with your list. Gypsy (Tasha's big brother) has a lot of sympathy for Pumpkin, who seems to be doing a champion job with young Laura. Nothing like being jumped on when you're trying to mind your own business...Don't worry Pumpkin, she'll slow down eventually...

Butta Buns

I desperately want a little kitty in my home but everyone keeps warning me about all the points you list and then some. But that doesn't deter me one bit, in fact it makes me want one even more!


Laura sounds like a perfect House Panther kitten to me! ha ha ha I'm sure my mommy would agree with you.
I hope she is making you smile more and more during this sad time. We're keeping you in our thoughts.


That list? Is *hilarious*. And so true! The thought of her landing in your panties as you sit there slays me. SLAYS! I love kittens. I'm sure my next will be a shock - by the time it's time for a kitten or a puppy, you've gotten used to the calm and low-key manner of the older animal.

Thank you for sharing - you made me laugh out loud.

Been thinking about you - I hope things are ok.


hahahah your cracking me up- what a little trouble maker! so cute though...


I am laughing so hard at that new cutie of yours! I love it!!!! You can tell she has the devil in her by the look in her eyes!!! Sweet Laura!

Mrs. L

It's been 16 years since I've had a kitten around, I forget about stuff like this. I'll have to remember your rules when I get my next cat (hopefully way in the future).


Laura is absolutely adorable!


Laura looks like a deliciously delightful little devil!


Love the photo of Laura jumping onto Pumpkin — looks just like my Friday attacking my Sabriel!


That's really thiknnig out of the box. Thanks!

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