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« WCB: Turkey Meatballs With Catnip | Main | PPN: Sweet Pea And Mint Cannelloni »

February 25, 2008



Oh yeah, this soup should get anyone up on their feet in no time!


Sher, you are right, don't wait for a reason like getting a flu, I'd love to have it anytime! I'm with you on ginger root, I feel it able to calm me.


Yummy looking! As usual, I'm trying to think of veggie alternatives. Maybe shiitakes in place of the chicken?

Anyway, wonderful looking flu-curing recipe!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)

That definitely looks like a soup that cure whatever ails you. I love ginger and cinnamon in chicken stock.


I haven't had flu yet this winter and I am hoping to avoid it (knock on wood). But I am keeping this recipe at hand -- this looks like health in a bowl. If I were making it because I had the flu or a cold, I think I'd add some hot peppers. I think they'd work with this and in my experience they really help to open your head and chest when you're sick.


Oooh yum! I've never had the flu before, but I do know what it's like to have a nasty cold and I'm sure this would work wonders :)



First of all Sues, I am sending mean, angry and EXTREMELY jealous looks at you!!! Lucky one, that!

Sher, thanks so much for the virtua-soup! I began feeling better yesterday, and am definitely on the upswing today! Must be all that lemony-chickeny goodness. Thanks so much for thinking of us!


Mmmm...come cook for me. Oh wait. Did I say that out loud? The soup and the raosted garlic look so delicious!


Wow, I am having serious soup-pot envy here. What a great pot. Of course the soup looks fantastic. How could it taste bad with all those wonderful ingredients? Yum.


This is soup-darshan. I swear i feel better just looking at it/reading the ingredients.



Thank you, I think so too. I wasn't sick and it made me feel better.


Oh yes! Ginger root is wonderful and always makes me feel so good. It calms me too. Hooray for ginger.


Here's hoping we don't need to eat it because we get the flu! :)


Yes, I thought al the spices worked so well together. It was delicious.


I was going to mention in my post that people who like their soup hot could spice it up more. I'm with you--hot peppers sure are great for the sinuses.


Oh, you are so lucky! I hope you NEVER get the flu. IT'S A NASTY BUSINESS. :)


I hope you're feeling better and stronger. You need strength for the renovations!


I hope your having fun in Vegas right now!


Thank you. I do love my pot. I'll take a nice pot over most other things. Strange, I know.


If it makes you feel good looking at it--you will feel marvelous if you actually eat it.


Yum, this looks awesome! I'll have to give it a try next week when I get more time at home for dinners.

Boston Chef

Yum - that ginger, cayenne, and mint must have helped with any sinus congestion you had with the flu!

Looks like just what the doctor ordered... love the roasted garlic!


That looks great, Sher. We (thank goodness) haven't had the flu but have been battling pneumonia (my youngest) and a host of other illnesses in our house. I think this weekend I'll have to make the soup -- it'll at least make me feel better. :)


That soup looks good no matter if your sick or healthy. Never have too much garlic! Looks like you have the same garlic roaster that I have!


This looks great!

white on rice couple

This is delicious medicine in a bowl! I feel healthier just looking at it already!


Just one word: YUM!


Oh, that's brilliant. I can just about smell it from here. I love the lemon, the ginger, the cayenne, the garlicso comforting and healing.


Looks great!! Does the soup freeze well?

And I'm loving the pics of your kitty.


Nice picture and the soup looks soo delcious.

Thank you for your participation.

Lisa Marie

Ohmygoodness. I think I'm in love. Erm. With this 'blog. It's warming up here in mid-Missouri, but I think this might be my first meal in my new house! I love lemon, mint, and chicken together -- very Mediterranean.


This looks soooo good. What a combination of spices. I am always a fan of cayanne in my soups too.

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It looks so delicious yummy!!!!

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