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« Bread Baking Babes: Royal Crown's Tortano | Main | WHB: Ahi Tuna Salad With Romaine Wraps (Dill) »

February 19, 2008



Sher, what an original term for itsy-bitsy vegetables.

A wonderful plating and a lovely, lite dish.


The bird sounds and the light say spring is just around the corner where I am, but the temperature says it's still full-on winter. And at this point, I am SO over winter.

I find that at this time of year I really crave foods that are brightly colored, and things like crunchy vegetables. Your pasta is seasonally perfect.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)

Lovely! I posted a similar recipe using spaghetti squash a couple of weeks ago. I love the "confetti" idea -- such a good description for a beautiful way to serve pasta.

Patricia Scarpin

I love how colorful and delicious this pasta looks, Sher!


this looks great! so fresh, light and tasty!


This is definitely a springy pasta dish and one to make us long for the warmer days. It is shocking to hear that you are soon planting your garden! My driveway is flanked by snow/ice 10ft tall in some parts. Why did I leave CA???


This looks fantastic! I know what my husband would say if I served it, though. "Where's the meat???" I may have to try this for a bento sometime. :0)


With all of the vegetables and herbs this pasta looks nice and fresh and good.


What a pretty and comforting-looking dish! I want to stick my nose deep in and just inhale all that fragrant goodness.


I would stick my whole face in that plate.

: )

Love from VA


What a happy dish! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. It really does have me humming.


Glad to hear Spring is in the air your way. It definately shows in your lovely pasta dish - ah fresh!


Yay, vegetarian! Also - looks so delish.

The birds are actually starting to sing a bit here too, which is brilliant - so funny to hear their words change from winter calls to spring songs!

I want spring to come, but I want time to slow down a little so I can get back in shape AND pass my nursing classes.

Once again, you always take such fabulous pictures, Sher.


Wow...that looks yummy! I like to torture myself by looking at all the wonderful dishes you post about. They always make me sooo hungry. Now I need to go and rummage through my fridge.


I just wanted to say your food is always so colourful and pretty! I love popping by and seeing what you're cooking next, and I just don't comment enough, so I'm delurking today. :)



Thanks you, the veggies did look like confetti to me. I guess want to celebrate spring. :)


Yes, I know what it can be like to feel impatient for spring to come. Sigh.


Ah yes, the spaghetti squash. I love them! It's so much to serve them to people and watch their reaction when they learn it's a squash.


Thank you!


Thank you--it was rather fresh and tasty!


Oh no! I do remember how the snow can pile up next to the driveways. And literally digging my car out of the snow, when I lived in Illinois.


Ah, you can add meat to this dish if you like! :)


Thank you!

Shelley and John,

I really like the approach both of you take to eating pasta! :)


I'm glad that you're humming. It usually means a good mood! :)


Well, wouldn't you know--it suddenly got colder! I shouldn't have said anything!


I just know you will pass the exams--and get into the shape you want. And the birdies will sing and sing for you!


Oh, I hope I'm not torturing you too badly. But, I get tortured the same way when I look at other people's blogs! :)


I love it when people delurk! :):) Do it anytime you wish!

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