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« WCB: Specially Made, Just For Me | Main | Happy Birthday Brussels Sprouts And Sausage Soup »

January 13, 2008



I just bought some edamame this weekend as I hadn't had it for a while. I am trying this recipe with it tomorrow - it sounds delicious with the mint! I'm one of those who don't really care for cilantro. But I love mint!


I love edamame. I always have a frozen package in the fridge. Will be trying this for sure! Thanks for sharing.

Mango Power Girl

This looks so delicious & healthy! I was just wondering what can I do different with the edamame I have ... This is the perfect idea ... Have a great week!

Patricia Scarpin

It looks so refreshing, Sher - perfect for the summer!


Beautiful! I love steamed edamame in the pods, sprinkled with sea salt. One of our local Asian restaurants serves them, and they are as good as candy.


Let's talk healthy here. And beautiful! That looks really wonderful!


Let's talk healthy here. And beautiful! That looks really wonderful!


OOOO! Yummy! That is beautiful. That does it - I'm going to buy some edamame next time I grocery shop. Anything for a fast, easy, good-for-you food.


Yum! Would love to have a bowl of them right now! That's funny. I think you got me started on them and I just bought a pouch of roasted edamame the other day that I've been trying to only eat a few at a time rather than scarfing down the whole bag all at once.

Mrs. L

This looks really good, and I too, have a package in my freezer to try it with.


MMM...looks good. I love edamame on its own, boiled. But I might have to try this sometime.


Will work for food. ; )


This salad looks great! I have had edamame but I have never done anything other than eat it raw and plain. bookmarked


Saving the recipe right now. Yum! (And so diet-friendly, too.)


Sher, I just came back from my trip, am catching up your posts :) Your photos are always nice, but the current ones absolutely superb!
And, just like you, I have love eruption towards edamama and mint during some occasions!


Now there is a mouthful of flavor! And...so healthy! I like those dishes that you stash in the fridge and can snack on when you get a munchie urge!


I'm going to make this today- I too had been wondering about a salad to make with edamame!


Hi, Love your blog. Hopped to yours from Melody's. Love this recipe, I have all the ingredients...going to make it tonight


I have recently discovered frozen edamame - had only ever had them in restaurants before - and this looks utterly gorgeous!
As always, love your photos...


Yum! This looks fabulous! And totally in line with my current soy kick :)


Omg. I LOVE edamame. Its good for people who want to gain, or lose weight! Either end of the stick lol. Im trying to gainw eight (recovering from an eating disorder) and I have been eating ALOT of edamame. Im a vegan, so I need the complete proteins in them, I must admit...I eat the whole bag throughout the day! I think im addicted!

Edamame with avocado, spalsh of apple cider vinegar, garlic, onion, cherry tomatoes and almonds is also very good.

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