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« WHB: Vietnamese Meatballs, With Lettuce Wraps (Mint) | Main | Kona Kampachi Tartare With Spicy Lemon-Ginger Vinaigrette »

January 28, 2008



I think this is maybe why I am not a pie fan. When ever I cut into it, they fall apart. Boo. But yours still looks good.


I think you did a good job. I'm always a bit disappointed when my baking looks less than wonderful. But, so long as it tastes great and it's enjoyed that's all that matters. That's what I tell myself. Over and over and over again :-}


Food can evoke so many feelings and memories. Your grandmother sounds like she was an amazing baker.


Sher, I agree with Mary...your grandma must have been a fabulous baker...but you didn't do so badly yourself...I'm sure your pie must have tasted wonderful:-)

Baking Soda

Sher... don't! I've been scrolling photos twice and I can't see disaster, really! As my mam use to say: where it ends up, it's dark anyway! (Or maybe I say that because my slice is a sibling of yours).
You did great and that first pic...YUM!


It looks not bad, really! And I had the same idea about the filling. ;-)

Gretchen Noelle

A plate and a fork...amazing! The pie does look amazing with its perfectly swirled meringue and I am sure it tasted wonderful. Love your rolling pin!


The only pie I ever make is apple pie, and the same thing happens -- looks beautiful out of the oven, but cut into it and it falls apart. No matter, if the taste is good -- that's what counts.


I'm sure meringue pie greatness IS lurking in your genes -- it's just waiting to be activated with a few more lemon meringue pie making sessions. And this pie was delicious so you're way, way more than half way there.


a fork and plate! that is impressive. it looks delicious to me, i can tell the filling would tempt my spoon too. yum!!

Butta Buns

Plate and fork? Neat! I'm so trying that when I get home. Despite what you think, I'm sure your Grandma would be proud of your pie and for keeping the link going. I'm jealous of the even browned crust on the meringue, it's lovely!


You did a great job and it's the taste that matters at the end of the day! Well done!


You know what's funny? While making this pie I noticed the recipe for lemon meringue pie on the side of the cornstarch box for the first time!! And I can't believe your grandma made the meringue with a fork - she had to have a pretty strong arm! I think your pie looks wonderful, regardless of what you think!

Big Boys Oven

Gorgeously done, I like it! Don't care what you think!


That's the good thing about food... even when it's not pretty, it can still taste quite righteous. ;)


It does look fabulous ... but, you know what? Whose food looks good when it's being eaten? Good job, really!


At least it looked really pretty in the pie dish! It was pretty difficult to cut a neat slice.


At least it looked really pretty in the pie dish! It was pretty difficult to cut a neat slice.


Hey, someone else who used a wine bottle to make their crust! It works, right? Who needs a fancy rolling pin?

And my slices looked exactly like yours when we cut into the pie, so I believe you when you say it still tasted delicious. This one was tough and you did a great job :)


It's meringue mania! I think it looks very yummy (actually looks like mine when cut into and everyone loves it!) I say good job Sher! I'll take a piece!


Awwww such a nice tribute to your grandma!

Hubbs and I are both reading tonight and we laughed out loud - YOU ROCK! Well regardless that the slice fell apart, the pie looks gorgeous and I'm glad you liked it. :)



Even if it looks a bit messy it still tasted great. The lemon curd was really good. I cleaned out the pot with my finger after pouring it into the pie. I beat the egg whites with forks, though I used a bowl. :)


I love your innovation with the wine bottle! Sorry the pie broke up when you served it. At least that made cutting bites of the pie easier! ;-)


Don't be mean to the pie. It's lovely :)


I think your pie looks great!!!


Are you crazy? That pie looks delicious. Nothing like hell at all. Hell is what m kitchen looks like anytime I attempt to make something more complex than toast.

PS: I would have been tempted to eat the lemon curd too!


Your pie looks delicious!


I think your pie doesn't look too bad. And it's about how it tastes not how it looks!

I too almost ate the filling without ever putting it into the pie.

Your grandma sounds great!


who are you kidding, your pie turned out great! if anything, at least it set, not like us poor suckers who slurped out the filling with a straw :)

keep up the good work


hell no! It is so darn good! This Danielle's crust surely looks much better than all the store-boughts'!

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