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December 31, 2007



Happy New Year, Sher and kitties! I hope 2008 brings you health and happiness.


Well I have been praying for you, so now I guess it is working if you have all that lovely grapefruit. (Now I need someone to pray for me! It's so hard to eat reasonably during the holidays.)

I think I will make those same two resolutions!

I hope you have a great year in 2008 including a trip to Utah! Happy New Year!


happy new years, y'all!

thanks for all your wonderful posts this year. scritches for upsie, and gentle tickles for pumpkin and muffin.



I hope you have a very happy new year and a wonderful 2008!!


Pink grapefruit!!! It's a beautiful thing. Just the perfect antidote to the gray and snowy weather here. Happy new year, Sher!


Your photo of the perfectly trimmed grapefruit slices is making salivate! Happy New Year!


All the best Sher! Please don't worry about answering my comments or not, your great personality and writing are the real gem luring me to come :) :)
Now I learn about this tradition. Some Chinese also like giving (and eating) tangerines during Chinese New Year (usually in Febuary).


Yes, that's what I need! Red grapefruit!
That is a really great photo of Upsie!
I think I share that problem about answering all the comments, my intentions are in the right place, I miss the execution.
Wishing you all the best in the new year!

Char Buckley

Happy New Year Sher! Love your style and food, love the top of that red head!!


Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best for 2008!
Nothing can beat American grapefruits ;-P...




What a nice gift! The color is beautiful.
Here's to a happy and stress-free 2008!


Brings back fond memories of when my dad would send us a huge box of grapefruit and oranges from South Texas. (I lived in Wyoming at the time and it was sweet!)

Don't worry about answering comments. I comment to let the blogger know someone is reading..and enjoying.

Happy New Year!


Happy 2009, Sher and Co.!


I am so impressed with those lovely, perfectly sectioned grapefruits! I think the weight thing is on all of our lists of new year's resolutions! I have weight loss plus get more exercise on mine. I should put stay out of the kitchen, but that is too extreme! Anyhow, have a wonderful "New Year" and it was great meeting you in 2007. Looking forward to 2008!
Oh yes, the cinnamon honey was a big hit on Christmas morning on hot English muffins!


Happy new year!!!
I've been living on oranges. The citrus is so good this year.

Krystal Marra

mmmm I have a container here of some juicy grapefruit... a friend told me about adding salt to grapefruit it tones down that bitterness.... just a little sprinkle, thats the way I love it.

Great great blog by the way. I am working on mine, this year for sure, I've just got to remember recipes and photos everytime (almost that I cook) I am too busy throwing things together!!!


Mon mari has been buying grapefruit for the last 2 weeks, too. Not as good as Christmas cookies for breakfast, but nothing can last forever....


those sections look just perfect, i feel like i NEED that there bowl of fruit!!


I adore grapefruit. It is such a clean food, and I Love the way it feels in my throat while eating. YUM.


Happy new year! All the best for a great new year of food blogging (and whatever else, wink). That grapefruit looks succulent.


Absolutely beautiful! These look delectable and I want to try it!


Oh, I'm late! But I can still wish you a happy New Year nonetheless! I hope you guys have a year full of happiness, laughter and good food!

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