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« WHB: Happy Blog Anniversary To Me! | Main | Dangerous Days! »

November 03, 2007



Oh no, you've been sprung!

I bet your Mum is happy though that you can jump once again - it's great news (even though now she'll be spying on you a lot to make sure you don't hurt yourself!)


Calls for a huge celebration. Hooray for Upsie! Is that how you got your name.


I dunno Upsie, those humans are pretty smart aren't they?? They seem to know all their kitties little feline tricks!


here we are again upsie, it's sat morning and i'm working and your in the yard. i'm so glad to hear your over the fence again and giving your moms a hard time :):)

...as we were....


Wow, it's great that Upsie is so sprightly now! My poor diabetic George is nowhere near that level of action! But then, he is missing a foot and all, so I really can't fault him.

So glad Upsie is doing so much better.


Upsie, you are looking so stealthy lately, and I am glad you can jump again. I am glad you got to be sneaky and say hello at the front door! :)


That is very exciting to hear about!


I'mk ever so glad to hear that your back legs are no more weak... It may be a stress factor for you mom, but it is nonetheless great!
You are such a sweetheart!




I'm glad you have your strength back, Upsie, but you need to stay in your yard! Your mom would miss you so much if you escaped.


Hey good for you Upsie! I'm glad you're feeling better! (See, I told you the shots wouldn't be that bad)


I am so happy that Upsie is feeling so good now!


Hey Jumping Upsie! Stay in your own yard! I'm really glad that you're feeling stronger and better. Snuggles, kitty!


Recently, Rocco (my black kitty) decided to get out of the house for a day. Since Rocco is only an indoor kitty, I guess he got fed up being 'cooped up.'

I couldn't find the little shit for awhile, yes it freaked me out yet in back of me head I'm just hoping that he'll be back soon.

So he did, marking 24hr almost to exact.(4AM)

Hurray for kitties.


I'm glad you got yr jumping legs back Upsie. Yr mum's just trying to protect you from the big bad world as it ain't that nice esp when there's no Mum to feed and care for ya.


Upsie, you nut! Glad you're feeling better though.


Oh no you din't!

Pia K

Way to go, Upsie - or well, not, I agree anyhow, good news!


You go, Upsie! Just not out of the yard. Too dangerous out there in the big world. But hey, how about you and your new strong legs? That's good news.


Wowza Upsie! You certainly have that spring in your step now. Hey...would you send a telepathic message to "my Portland cat", Romeo? He's been missing since Thursday. He got out of his yard...so you stay put and be safe.


WOW! Good for you Upsie! Are you doing the John Basedow program too?

Just wanted to let you and Mum know we're thinking about you. Love from VA. : )

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