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October 25, 2007



Exellent choice of pasta...the "little ears" catch pieces of feta, brilliant, simple dish!


Orecchiette catches all the good stuff in it's bowl shape and I just fall right in . . . anyway that's the picture I have of this will all that good feta and walnuts and radicchio. Looks really good. Don't think it would go with the corn bread though which I'm baking today.


Great dish, but no surprise...yours always are! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.


I didn't know that soaking radicchio would remove some of the bitterness. Great tip!


I have never had orecchiette before, but have seen it on a few blogs. I need to look for it, as it sounds like a great pasta!!


Oh wow! Looks both fabulous and healthy!


I love nuts with sharp cheeses - walnuts with feta or goat cheese is perfect.
Spaghetti with peas? Your childhood illusions must have been shattered!

mosaic cats

I forget...did I propose to you yet this week?
You are very evil, Sher. I think you drop little morsels on my blog to lure me over here in hopes I'll see something low carb and boring. LIKE TURKEY BURGERS.
And I get THIS.
Feta, walnuts, PEAS, garlic, basil, pasta...6 of my top 6 favorite food groups.
The family-sized Stouffers Chicken Enchilada dinner I have in the oven will be no consolation now, thanks to you.
I wish I liked to cook SO much.
(Thanks for the Animal Planet script idea. I'm not sure what it means, but it got me a little excited when I read it!)
I'll do that if you'll open a restaurant in NC that does take out.


I like the combination of radicchio, feta and walnuts.


ooh yum, this looks delicious. i love peas in pasta too, i wonder if thats an italian thing. you'll appreciate this, we went to a new italian place in the pacific palisades last night, the special was white truffle raviolis for the low low price of 90$, can you stand it!?

i had tuna carpaccio and spaghetti carbonara.


OH. YUM. All my favorite flavors. I'm marking this one for sure.


I can't believe I almost missed this post, Sher - love, love, love the ingredients you added to the pasta, wonderful dish!


I made this last night. I loved the sound of the ingredients but it didn't come totally together for me. in fact, i might add some peas to the leftovers for dinner tonight :) Course, I love peas.
Oh, and these leftovers turn purple, how fun!


I always shy from Feta in pasta, though I don't know why. I'll have to try this one.

Does the cheese melt into the dish?

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