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« WHB Anniversary: Potato Fritters With Sweet Pepper Relish (Cilantro) | Main | Presto Pasta Night: Recovering From The Most Dangerous Bread In The World »

October 16, 2007



I'm going to make this just so I can say that word 'Poolish'... love it!
Oh, the bread looks pretty good, too!


Your cornbread looks fluffy and moist..great for that sandwich...good on ya!


Glorious bread! I love bread with actual kernels of corn in it -- such a rich flavor and texture.


Wow, that's a wonderful bread! And your sandwich is gorgeous! Heaven on earth!

I'm keeping that recipe...




Sher, I used to go to Hi-Rise for lunch sometimes when I was working in Cambridge, MA and I can tell you this was one of my favourite breads of theirs! This and the Anadama bread, warm with nothing but butter. OH yum!!!

Patricia Scarpin

Sher, that loaf of bread is magnificent!


you ms. s, make the most wonderful delicious looking sandwiches ever. seriously, you have got a talent there. every single time, i think i remember all the breads and subsequent sandwiches you've made. wow this looks amazing!


Sher, you won't believe this! I did the same one!
I love this bread!


Yours is really beautiful!!


This makes my mouth water just looking at your photos, Sher. This is beautiful bread!


I'm so glad you don't mind we "wore the same dress" to the party! It is too funny!
No I haven't don't grilled cheese with it but I'm getting the pannini grill out now!
Your loaf looks very much the same as mine, I think maybe we are twins!


This bread looks so wonderful. I will be trying it out for sure.


My grilled cheese on this bread was the best! What great crunch! The corn is so good! But what kind of a food blogger am I? I forgot to take any photos. We may have to have it again tomorrow!! ;))) Thanks for such a great sandwich idea with this one.


Sher please I can't stay up two nights in a row to make more of this! Toad in the hole . . . now how good will that be! You are cruel!


This bread looks wonderful! The tuna sandwich looks really tasty.


Sher, Now we're going to be responsible with crack cocaine! Ummm I did have 3 slices of this with bread at 5 AM and then every meal thereafter today and I'm planning toad in the hole for breakfast . . . you maybe onto something . . . Now about my bedtime snack tonight . . . I must be hearing voices . . .


You are all inspiring me to go and bake bread myself...even though my trials haven't been too successful!


Sher working my way into the second loaf for my toad in the hole . . . we must develop some strength . . . ha, I had lemon curd on my midnight snack last night . . . nobody wants will power when they can have corn bread.


Yes, I am suitably impressed. Poolish, never heard of it before. Yours and Tanna's both look spectacular!


Yum yum yummy yum yum yum, I wants me some!


oooh, I love cornbread! I am going to bookmark this recipe and save it for Thanksgiving!


I love cornbread, and this looks delicious!

PS: I mentioned your squirrels on my blog today. ;)


Somebody better go restrain our poor Tanna!!! At least it is a great proof of success! What a awesome looking bread, I am defenitely keeping it in my files!


Looks great, love it!

Thank you for joining WBD!


Glezer's book is one of my favourites. I haven't made a lot of things from it either though ("Acme's Rustic Baguettes" is one I make over and over though)

I don't even remember seeing the corn bread recipe! Silly me, because it looks awfully good. Thank you for posting about it.



I just found you site from Muffintop and made your Hi-Rise cornbread. I used some starter from Sour Dough Monkey Wrangler. It came out fantabulisious. I sliced it and toasted it in a fry pan with butter. I put a scoop of pulled pork that I have been cooking for the last 13 hours. A little cole slaw and I am in heaven. Thanks for the recipe. Peace, Paul


Yummy! After reading about all these starters and bigas and Poolish, you sold me! The golden color of your bread is fantastic, too.
Aloha, manju


This looks fabulous and I am itching to make it -- but fresh corn season is over here! Do you think I could use frozen corn?


Oh yes! yes! Yes! How could anyone NOT sit down and eat that at every meal? So beautiful.


I made this yesterday and it was really delicious. I wanted to refer some other folks to the recipe and it took forever to find it. Is there a search function that I'm missing?

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