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July 07, 2007



Ooo, sounds very yummy. I always want to eat your cooking!


What a lovely gift! The "perfect" rice bowl is very hard to find -- must fit the palm of your hand just so.


I'm so glad you liked them. It was fun buying you a surprise and I figured every food blogger always needs more dishes! (That's my motto and I'm sticking with it.)

Stir-fried wild rice is a great idea! Those people at Williams-Sonoma just have it all together don't they? And there's cilantro and lime juice, two of my absolute favorites.

The kids are gone and I'm dragging around the house, totally exhausted and trying to think of something to cook. Maybe tomorrow I can bounce back, but I can tell you I have new respect for every mother who writes a blog. Tonight my brain is like mush.


That is just a terrific gift. I truly love things that become a set by not matching! I know that doesn't sound right but it really works for me. Lovely bowls.


Gorgeous bowls - and how lovely to get a surprise from the postman!
I agree with Tanna, I long ago decided to have 'unmatched' sets of dishes - so much easier to handle the inevitable breakage (inevitable at our house, anyway)
Must remember to smuggle back wild rice on next trip, I just ran out and your stir-fry looks yummy!


Lovely bowls to go with a lovely recipe! (I love, love, love W&S recipes). Thanks for participating in WHB! (And making my raining Sunday by saying that I am talented...ha ha ha!)


How very dear of Kalyn to send you such a delightful gift! I was so happy to get to know spend some time with her while she was in SF and I can attest that she's just as lovely a person, in person, as you would ever want to meet.

The Cooking Ninja

The bowls are very lovely and the dishes are delicious looking. :)


Gorgeous bowls, not to mention gorgeous food! Very cool.


What an incredible gesture on Kalyn's part~how very thoughtful!Perfect for your rice recipes! Enjoy with memories ~


Lovely recipe in equally lovely bowls :) Sorry Sher have not been able to visit as often as I want. Summer means so much to do outdoors that blogging has taken a small break..hope to come out of this lethargy soon :)


How thoughtful of her. Those do look like the most perfect bowl!


What beautiful bowls and the stir fry looks delicious!

Sue (coffeepot)

Oh wow.... what a great gift and lovely stir fry to boot!

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