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« WCB: Still In Prison | Main | Maple Sausage And Waffle Breakfast Casserole »

June 03, 2007



Sher that looks like just the thing for a fabulous brunch! Love the cherries and almonds. I have a coffee cake that I love and next time I do it I'll try to remember the cherries.

Butta Buns

I see this cake over and over and over, but it NEVER gets old. I've made it 3 times since the last posting and have another 2 to go before the month's out. I now buy fresh berries as an excuse to make it. Cherries here still cost a bomb but when farmer's markets roll out soon, I'm going to give this a try.

As for Sunday brunch, we had leftover lobster rolls this morning. Hmm, I'll see what I can come up with for next weekend. It'll be a doozy for sure.


Thank you Sher and thanks Butta Buns I am also going to try this one out, looks delish. I can't help laughing at the idea of you eating cereal out of a box with a blank expression on your face!


This is the perfect kind of cake to bring to a potluck brunch -- I'm always looking for dishes that will travel well. Thanks!


oh no you did not just make cherry coffee cake! YUM


My sisters MIL always makes a coffee cake similar to this and it is one of my favorite breakfast treats! Yum.


That does look good. I'm not much of a breakfast fan (and sweet breakfasts do a number on my stomach), but this would make a good afternoon snack. :-)


I love sweets for breakfast and this look fantastic. I'd never get up to make it, though, so it would be for afternoon tea when fresh, leftover the next morning. We should have cherries soon...if the birds leave us some.


Sher, this is wonderful just by the sound of it! I love the combination of cherry and almond... A perfect brunch for sure. :D


I bet this cake smells heavenly due to the cinnamon, and must taste great as wel :)


Ooooooooooohh looks sinfully delicious


Thanks for taking part to my event!

That coffeecake looks extremely gorgeous! I love such baked treats very much, but I've never had one of those for brunch...


Delicious! Coffee Cake here literally means a cake made with coffee flavouring so we don't have this type of breakfast cake - it seems like I should start a new tradition! Yours looks delicious!

Patricia Scarpin

What a delicious combination of flavors, Sher!


The cake looks delicious. Cherries have started coming in the market and I can't wait to try this. Hope you're feeling better sher!


God that looks good, Sher! It's enough to make me want to jump right off my low carb wagon, make it and eat it. All of it! Way to go!


Looks really good. I have some rhubarb to use up that would be great with this!


Yum! Love cherries. Love almonds. And together, they make for my perfect coffee cake. If I pay for your ticket, will you fly across the country and make this for me on Sunday? ;)


Carb schmarb. What I say is YUM YUM! Because I can't make this as I have no oven,...and because I can't taste this, as you refuse to mail me your baked goodies, I hereby tag you.

The meme is called 1000 faces of Upsie, Sundance, and Sqirrels.

Get right on that, eh?

Susan from Food Blogga

Oh, I've got to try this, Sher. You know, I love cherries, and baked into a moist cake topped with crunchy toasted almonds? Yikes! That's fantastic!


And I thought the strawberry cake looked good. This is truly beautiful looking. I can almsot taste it just from the pic and the recipe.


Love it! Cherries are A's favorite, so I'm tagging your recipe for a special treat for him!


That looks melt-in-your-mouth good!

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