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« First Tomato Harvest--10 Minutes Ago | Main | WCB: Body Heat »

June 14, 2007



I make a similar dish with Israeli couscous, and I replace part of the couscous cooking liquid with orange juice, which makes a nice compliment to the dried fruit in the recipe. In fact, I think I'll make some version of your recipe and mine for a potluck this weekend!


Sher, this sounds so good! I just had some couscous during the week as well... They are so good. Love it.


Sounds very good to me. I was at a partly recently and had something made with 100% whole wheat couscous, which I'm quite anxious to try in a recipe.


The couscous dish looks delicious. It will be on next week's dinner menu.



Now, I knew couscous was a type of pasta but I wasn't sure if it counted for this event. I'm glad to see that it does. I might be able to enter presto pasta nights much more often now!


Wow! So pretty. That dish is really appealing, Sher, to the eye, to the palate, and to my laziness. Yum!


It really does look like a beautiful dish. I often do a citrus couscous salad with nuts and dried cherries, but this looks like another great option.

Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Night.


Couscous, I always forget about the little baby pasta. Yours looks delicious!

Susan from Food Blogga

Funny-I make this same dish but with tofu instead. It's always a lunch favorite.


ooooh, this is one of my favorite couscous-y dishes! I made it recently with green almonds and it was delish!
I just thought of you Sher as I was sitting on hold with the French Laundry trying to get a reservation for August... I put my name on the waitlist with the thought 'Sher says this is how she's gotten to eat there before, this will definitely work!'
Keep your fingers crossed for us!


I love presto pasta night! This looks fantastic. Bookmarked to try soon.

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