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« Simple Things | Main | Cherry Muffins with Crumb Topping »

May 21, 2007



Oh, my goodness, that looks delicious! At this moment I'm thinking it would be perfect for breakfast. (Later in the day I'll think it will be perfect for lunch or dinner!)


Oh, those potatoes do look delicious! I've never tried this cheese, but will ask for it at my local cheese store.


These looks soooo good. I love cheese, and I love potatoes, so the two together, of course, are my ultimate side dish. Yum!


These looks soooo good. I love cheese, and I love potatoes, so the two together, of course, are my ultimate side dish. Yum!


Sher, I really luuuuve your way of cooking... boiled potatoes can be just moist and tender as those with cream added! boy! look at that sausage bangers! I witness a happy marriage out there even without fatty fries :)
Berkswell... sure will bear in mind!

Patricia Scarpin

Give me potatoes anytime and prepared anyway and I'm a happy girl! This looks scrumptious, Sher!


OMG the meal of my dreams. So when I'm in London and go to Neal's Dairy Yard I will find this cheese and bring it home!!


Those are like super scalloped potatoes. Extra cheesy goodness! Yum!


I'll be looking for Berkswell at my local co-op. Thanks for a beautiful post, Sher.


Mmmmmm....love potatoes...mmmmm...great job!


Wow...that looks so simple and so tasty...I 'discovered' cheese only recently...and am trying very basic ones for now. I have a cheddar with jalapenos that might go well with these potatoes :)


Potatoes and cheese - dreamy!


Love meeting new cheeses :) Those potatoes look perfect with the cheese...and the sausage too! Sometimes I crave for sausage and potato meals...your picture is certainly helping the craving come along! :)


Oh, my- you should really post a warning before putting up a picture like that! It's everything I love.


Oh, how I love cheese. And potatoes! This looks lovely - delicious, in fact. I hope I can find the cheese in question.

By the way, I have twice now made your mac and cheese dish - the one with the roasted tomatoes. Thank you for that, many times over. SO YUMMY.


Yum, that looks wonderful! I love potatoes and cheese, so I'd have no problems with this dish...


I love taters and cheese! Thanks for the heads up on the Berkswell, I'll be looking for it for my potatoes!


PS - AWESOME Mother's Day gift!


You sure have a way with comfort food. Those bangers look terrific too.


OK - it is 10 at night and I am now craving some of those potatoes! They look fantastic.


Those look yummy! I love anything with any cheese. What a lovely gift!
Asparagus looks pretty good to - could've added cheese.....


Lucky you, to get those cheeses! Man, that looks wonderful. Few things better than cheesy potatoes...


mmmmmn cheesy potatos, i have a slightly hardenned rind of grueyere this would be nicely suited for. chris has requested stesk tonight so this sounds wonderful!

Mother's Day Philippines

Wow! love the post its so delicious,wish I saw this earlier. Well,anyway I think I can also use this for this coming father's day. :)


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