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March 10, 2007



"Animals" never cease to amaze me! That is unreal the pigeon let him get so close!! And the ritual returning to the house is too amazing!!


I'm sure someday Sundance will mature... then he can double-team with Upsie on some serious pigeon take-down!


I'm sure someday Sundance will mature... then he can double-team with Upsie on some serious pigeon take-down!

Butta Buns

Cat fiiiiiiiight! Wow, that last pic is something else.
Have a great weekend!


My cat - who stays in - does the same thing to my dog every time she comes inside. Maybe it's jealousy?


Oooh yeah....kitty smackdown!

Poor Sundance, he is jealous, isn't he? Someday he will (hopefully) manage the common sense to accompany Upsie to the garden.

Here's what wily lil' Bustopher has been up to this morning!



Upsie is now Fluffy's heroine as she's the BOSS! Here's my sweetie who looks a bit like Upsie:



I just can't NOT comment... Upsie, you are too cute!


Oh Upsie, you handled Sandance very well. He can't help it if he has no common sense. Come visit http://kitikata.blogspot.com to visit a story of two kitties.

Ari (Baking and Books)

Ooo, action photos! And though someone else already said it I have to jump on the bandwagon: Cat fiiiiight!


Great photos! I've always heard a little feline fisticuffs can be healthy.

Thanks for hosting WCB this week. Here's another one for you:



Love that middle pic--it's hilarious!



we are sorry to heart that you didn't have the luck to catch the pigeon. Othello would love to come around and give you a helping paw - he's really good at catching things ;o)

You really have a hard job mentoring Sundance, as Kashim had with Othello when he was younger. Don't give up, maybe the common sense thingy will work when he gets a little older and with your good instructions...


btw - here's our WCB post: http://foodblog.paulchens.org/?p=687


hahahahah, omg this post has me cracking up. upsie's expression on the 3rd one is of utter distressed amusement. heehee!

these two are too much, snort!


Wow! I'm still laughing!! These posts really add to my weekend.
Thanks Upsie. Thanks Sher.


Ha, ha, that's great! You caught them right in the action! I love the 3rd picture where Upsie has mad eyes ;-P. Quite extreme!!!

If you want to see the zen and always cool Fridolin, here's the permalink:

Thanks for hosting this week's event!

Have a nice Sunday and cuddles & kisses to your two cute monsters!!!



kross-eyed kitty

Feline Wrestlemania!!!
Thanks for hosting this week. :)
Here are my little rays of sunshine


It's pure mayhem! :) Great action shots...better luck with the pigeon next time!

Here is my link to my kitties...


What terrific action photos! I'm amazed that the pigeon was so close to Upsie. Sundance is adorable as always. Thanks for hosting this weekend. I have China Cat & Willow cuddling although sometimes China Cat does have to show Willow that she is still the boss! I'll get those up next week.


Amar and Luna

Hi Sher, Upsie and Sundance-
Those are some great photos!
Here's our much more sedate entry for WCB:


Now you kids play nice!


Those are great! Thanks — I needed a laugh.


Oooh that looks like fun! I love the pictures, so detailed! :)
Puddy would like to demonstrate her flexibility for this WCB. I'm quite jealous that she can lick her toes and I can't!! ;)
Here's her linky:

Thankyou for hosting! And good luck with those pigeons! :D

whaleshaman & taboo

upsie....you go, grrrrl!

that's what i call keeping the youngster in his place.

any tuna left??


Nice job trying to catch that pigeon for all of us! It is wonderful that you are acting as a mentor for Sundance. :)

I would be honoured to be included in weekend cat blogging. Here I am enjoying the sun in Munich:


Fluffy Upsie you fearless hunter of pigeons, I'm glad you're not putting up with Sundance's shennanigans. He sure is handsome though.
Here's Kamikaze: http://igot2shoes.blogspot.com/2007/03/wcb-92.html Thanks for hosting Sher! I've got WCB at my place next weekend (thanks for mentioning the opening!)


Perhaps Sundance will learn, Upsie, but our cats never have. They still wrestle with each other all the time, though none of them ever leaves the house (except to go to the vet).

I recently found the first photos ever taken of Sasha and Sergei. They were so tiny, and incredibly cute.

Thanks to you and Sher for hosting WCB!


Ohhhh must . stop . laughing!!! That totally reminds me of our old cats, Kitty and Quasi getting into fights all the time. Kitty was a cantankerous old cat and Quasi was the baby, always trying to get Kitty to play with him. Uh uh, ain't happening! LOL!

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