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February 09, 2007



Sher, I agree with you on soy and tomato paste doing the magic... esp I have experience of the latter, my beef dishes won't be that ordinary :) It's a great recipe, also a good way to get rid of my potatoes and ground beef (my husband likes 97% lean... but seems to dry to me).
PS. just checked my comment for your previos post, I must have highlighted one of the sentences and deleted it by mistake... wish you didn't pull your skull off while trying to figure out what I said *blush*


I've been adding soy sauce (or oyster sauce) to my tomato sauces for years; you can cut down on the amount of meat that way. The other thing that works to enrich the "meat" flavor is some dried mushrooms, ground into a powder and mixed in with the spices. Amazing how that bumps up the flavor. Your shepherd's pie looks gorgeous, with its glistening crust, and I'm definitely tempted to try it!


my husband would flip over that. it looks incredible. a good thing to make up a bunch and freeze them too i bet. thx sher!

Butta Buns

Oh wow! I don't know what's better, the pie itself or learning something new about enhancing beef.

I have to get all gushy and just say that your site is the epitome of what I look for in a food blog. Upsie, great recipes, learning new culinary tricks from you and the other readers, and fantastic pictures.

For my sheperd's pie, I usually put a layer of potatoes on the bottom to soak up all that good grease. Then the SO and I fight over it.

Lola's Mom

That looks so good! For some reason I've noticed quite a few blogs sharing Shephard's Pie recipes lately. This one is really pretty!


This looks like a fantastic recipe, Sher. (And again, I love your photos!) Do you think it would taste the same with diced lean beef instead? The whole texture of ground beef puts me off but I'd love to give this one a try!

Patricia Scarpin


My husband is a meat and potato kind of guy and he would LOVE this dish!!

Going to my "to do" list right now. ;)


I've never had a shepherd's pie, but agree that this sort of thing would be perfect for my husband. It is almost Valentine's Day, after all...


What a coinkydink! I just bookmarked a Shepherd's Pie made with seafood (since I'm now pescatarian) last night! Must be that time of year.


I loved this dish as a kid, and interestingly, my college commons did a pretty nice Shepard's pie also. I've never tried to make it myself, but I might have to give it a go.


I love Sheperd's Pie, but I always feel afterwards like I can now go into hibernation, having eaten enough to last me through the winter. On the other hand, back in the good old days about 100 years ago, this is exactly the kind of the meal you needed to get throught he day.

Beautiful photographs, by the way
(from Kevin at TasteTV.com)


I'm going to try this one, and use the pretty fork design in the top too. It's the simple things like that that dress up a simple dish. Love it!


Never had or made Shepherd's Pie before. Your step by step pics and explanation made the whole thing very clear, thanks a lot for this.
So now I know. Also the last pic was very helpful, I didn't know the potatoes only covered the top:) The result looks very very yummy, but I don't eat beef so should try with lamb

Joy T.

I learn so much over here. This looks delicious and those potatoes on top...MMMmmmm!


The one time I ever made Shepherd's Pie, the recipe called for mixing cream cheese into the mashed potatoes -- and it was so good!



Don't worry--I knew exactly what you were saying in your last comment. :):) I have problems with my eyes and often cringe when I see my mistakes when I leave comments on other people's blogs. So, I know what it's like to see a mistake! :):)


Yes, I love soy sauce, can't imagine life without it. And dried mushrooms are fabulous, and so handy to have on hand.


Thank you! I didn't take a picture of it, but I made 2 small Sheperd's Pie ramekins and froze them. It's great to pull something like that out when you don't feel like cooking! :)

Butta Buns,

Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I'm looking forward to your return to your blog--which I love. I think the potatoes on the bottom is a great idea! You can never go wrong adding more potatoes! :):)

Lola's Mom,

Thank you! Yes, I've also noticed how Sheperd's Pie is popular! I think sometimes a comfort food like this is quite nice.


Thank you! I think diced beef would be great. As I understand it, diced lamb is quite popular in sheperd's pie. You might have to cook the beef cubes a little longer to make sure they are tender, but I think that would be delicious.


Thank you! I bet he would love it too! My husband sure enjoyed it.


Thank you. I think a heart shaped sheperd's pie would be fabulous! :):)


Thank you. Oh--I was reading that there is a special name for it when you use fish. That would be fabulous! I would prefer it with fish too.


This is a really easy dish to make, I think. And most people would like it, because it's so filling. And yummy. :):)


Thank you. Oh yes. this would be a great meal for a lumberjack. :) And I felt VERY full after a small serving. I wouldn't eat this very often, but it's cold and dreary here, so it was perfect.


Thank you. I think Gene would really like this. Make it in a heart shape. :)


Thank you. Yes, try it with lamb. I think that would be nice. I've even seen vegetarian versions too. I think you can put anything you want under the potatoes. :):)

Joy T,

Thank you. I think you can never go wrong with mashed potatoes, eh? :):)


Cream cheese in mashed potatoes! Yes! That would be wonderful.


Wow, does that look good. As others have noted -- this is one for the husband. Many husbands love meat and potatoes, don't they? What IS that?! But I digress. It's a beautiful dish and I too love the fork action on the potato crust. Thanks -- will be trying this for sure. One needs sustenance in below-zero weather!


Yup, I'm another one here thinking that this looks like just the sort of thing my husband would love. And while it's not below-zero weather where I am it's plenty cold enough to want rib-sticking sorts of things.


Sher, have you ever tried using Bragg Liquid Aminos, it is similar to soy sauce but less salty and I find it has a "meatier" flavor. It is in health food stores. Also, call me shallow but I'm so riveted with the photo. I love your bronzed fork strips and how they echo the pattern of the tablecloth.


i, too, love mashed potatoes and shepherd's pie. i agree that the beef can be bland. i'll have to try this recipe to taste it stepped up a bit. thanks! great stuff you're doing, ms. sher!


i, too, love mashed potatoes and shepherd's pie. i agree that the beef can be bland. i'll have to try this recipe to taste it stepped up a bit. thanks! great stuff you're doing, ms. sher!


p.s. my "famous" mashed potato casserole recipe calls for not only cream cheese, but sour cream, too. FABULOUS!


I'm new here, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.


A nice job...informative and interesting.


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A friend of mine just emailed me one of your articles from a while back. I read that one a few more. Really enjoy your blog.

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ed johnston

groound buffalo also makes a very good pie

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