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January 05, 2007



Yum, yum, yum. And I guess one more yum for the cilantro. I love it that you're doing 80% cilantro. (We do sometimes bring out the worst/best in each other don't we?)

I was surprised to find how much I liked bok choi last year. Except I had to buy mine and they call it bok choy.

Gluten-Free By The Bay

That looks fantastic! Mmm...

(I hear people fall into two categories: cilantro haters or cilantro lovers. Well, I'm one of the rare ambivalent cilantro eaters. I like it in some things, but sometimes I find it too strong or soapy tasting depending on whether the cilantro is harvested at the right time and how much is in the dish.)


So very good to eat looking! but then I love cilantro and think it's OK for the bugs to have a bite also.


I absolutely love cilantro, but for some reason can't grow it in my backyard. I can only imagine how good that bok choy must taste!


Your garden output really is impressive, and the stir-fry looks delicious. Of course, I'm a cilantro lover (who never thought to pair it with bok choi) so this would be A-OK (more than A-OK!) with me.


hahah i have to admit i am an anti cilantroite. i'm really trying though and i dont understand it either because i'll eat ANYTHING. it tastes like pennies or something, wierd i know. bokchoy on the other hand, YUM! you must have the best garden sher, i bet this was delicious!!


Sher I'm so impressed that you grow these beautiful babies even if there are a few bites in em, who can blame them?


if there were teeth marks on the choi leaves they must be from me! This veg goes very well with ginger too.


That looks wonderful Sher.

And to think you are still harvesting from your garden this time of year, while in VA all I can do is fall back on the things I have canned, frozen or just placed in holding boxes.

You are one lucky gal.


Wonderful, healthy dish Sher. Thanks for reminding me that bok choi is another winter veggie packed with nutrients (and cilantro!) that I should have on hand.


Bok choy and cilantro? You have enlightened me Sher! Will definetely try out! Thanks for the recipe!




I've hit the recipe jackpot! Three of my favorite things--cilantro, bok choi, and peanuts--in one dish. Definitely making this one soon.


Bring on the cilantro!

mindy toomay

I am a major fan of all types of greens and will definitely try this recipe. And thanks for inspiring me to add my cat, Jasmine, to my blog someday!


Earth to Table: Seasonal Recipes from an Organic Farm

Thanks for your recipe! I am a ranch member and have never used Bok choy before in my life. When I picked up my basket yesterday, I asked the ranch lady "what is this?" and she proclaimed "BOK CHOY"!!!
Well, my basket came with some cilantro too, so, when I found your recipe here, I cooked it today for lunch.
Thank you, we liked it. It was a winner. I added some pieces of cooked chicken and served it as a main dish. My toddler didn't even try, but the rest of family liked it. I liked the taste of bok choy and I am a Cilantro LOVER!!!
BTW, I found this book including recipes based on seasonal organic ingredients from Amazon to buy:


I made this for me and my roommate tonight with Bok Choi from our farmshare, and we both loved it!


I stumbled across your site and saw this recipe. I made last night substituting cashews for peanuts, because no peanuts. It was very tasty and plan on making it again. I found that I had to add some liquid because once I added the cornstarch the mixture just jelled. Had to add some water to thin it out.

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