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January 24, 2007



That looks so warming and comforting! And totally thyme-a-licious.


That looks so delicious! (Do you get tired of hearing that?) How interesting about the blending of the bread - I really like that idea.


GREAT blender :D


First time to your blog Sher andI really fell in love with this lovely soup
Never blended veggies and made a soup before, going to do this for sure


Hey, thanks for the mention. I'm glad you like Cook's Illustrated too. I was intrigued by the bread blending idea too. Great thickener along with the veggies.


Oh yum...it looks so comforting too!!!


sher i love your blender! chris is a big fan of the blender i have to show him this one :) the soup looks wonderful, the flavors sound deliciou. YUM!


Love that blender. And reading this, and of course living in a frigid climate, makes me wish I liked soup. I know, I am a food freak. ;)


This looks really good!!! Sher, I am saving all your soup recipes to try out gradually when winter reaches Melbourne! All of them sound and look so yummy.



Thank you! I like anything thyme-a-licious! :)


Thank you! No, I always feel grateful that anyone likes a dish I made! :) And the bread is very nice in the dish. But, you wouldn't know it was bread.


Thank you! Yes, it is a great blender--and you could kill someone with it!


Thank you for coming to my blog. I loved those banana pancakes on your blog. :)


Thank you! Yes, the bread thickens it, but I don't thing most people would guess that it was in there.


Thank you! We all need some comfort, eh? :)


Thank you! Yes, this blender is really something. It's so heavy, I feel like I'm doing weight training if I pick it up. :)


Thank you! You don't have to like soup! :):) Make some nice gooey cake instead! Or a nice pie!


Thank you! Ahh, you are nice and warm there! Wish I was enjoying your weather! :)


Your soup has such a perfect consistency!

Susan at Food "Blogga"


I have just discovered your blog--thankfully.

As I was reading through your last few posts, I stopped at Da Bears post (as I too am a football fan). I was truly touched by your lovingly crafted tribute to your mom. Thank you so much for sharing your memories of her with us.

I almost forgot--great soup!


This is such a hearty bowl of soup, chockful of ingredients. Delicious!


Yum. Sorry to hear about the conjunctivitis (which I don't really know what it is and I guess I missed the post you talked about it). I could use some soup. It's (literally) freezing here.


Yeah Cooks Illustrated has nice recipes. It is amazing how different soups are by pairing them up with different herbs. By the way, why doesn't it freeze well? Is it the bec of the potatoes?


Their recipes are just good and sometimes stellar. This looks beautiful.

Sue (coffeepot)

Great looking soup and blender. You could probably get a pretty penny for it on ebay if you ever had a notion to sell.


I can just taste the thyme in it and I think you have inspired me to make one of these to help with my post Christmas detox. thanks for taking part in Weekend Herb Blogging.

charlotte Same

this soup is so good thank you

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