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« Glazed All-Beef Meat Loaf | Main | Seat Of Your Pants Fried Rice »

December 16, 2006



hiya upsie!

grrrlfriend, you sure are looking like you went through a storm yourself!

my life partner sushi who passed on a few years back had to have a skin thing removed. [that's not what "did" him in, don't worry.]

i'm pretty sure the vet said the best thing to give him for the pain and suffering [my attorney calls it p&e] was "glazed meatloaf en boeuf." know where your mom can get any? [hint hint -- read her blog, she's holding out on ya!]

seriously, sorry you're feeling bad -- don't know what's worse for us kitties...the pain of the booboos or feeling downright dirty and RATTY. oops! didn't mean to remind you of the you-know-whos, aren't they in the rodent family too?

i bet your diabetes will get better on your new diet -- at least i'm hoping it will. anybody tell you yet what the treatment for that is? you can bet it's not chocolate covered mice.

speaking of which, have you ever tried these?
me, neither, they're always sold out early for christmas. i'd even eat their little tails.

sweet dreams, upsie, i hope you'll feel better SOONER THAN SOON. didn't that sotrm that storm in the PNW sound just like one of my hurricanes...but COLDER, BRRR!

and thanks for stopping by. you should see, we now have a dead tree with lights on it in the living room.

humans, go figure.


taboo forgot to tell you for me...

those pictures are awesome! that little pink tongue is too cute.


note to self: no blog commenting after midnight.

i meant P & S, NOT p&e.


Bonnie Loves Cats

Poor Upsie,
Good thing you have a nice Vet and a nice human companion.
Sorry about your pain and your fur and some of your pending medical problems.
Good luck.
Bonnie in Virginia


Oh Upsie, so sorry you've been through a hellish week! Here's hoping you don't have diabetes and you heal quickly. Lucky you have a fabulous cook for a mom!

And man, is Scout ready for his close-up, or what?!


Sweet Upsie, I hope you feel better soon and heal up quick so your mom can brush your tangles out. Poor sweet girl! Kamikaze says hi!


Feel better, Upsie! And if you need to cheer yourself up, just think about the squirrels being gone. It's going to all be about you again. Just as we all know it should be.


Upsie, you rock! And I just know that you're gonna feel better soon because...
You've got mom all to yourself again.
Think of all the attention!


Poor kitty boo! I hope you realize that it was all for the best, Upsie.


Poor little Upsie!
At least, I'm happy to hear that you are already starting to feel better and that those horrible growth have disappeared...
Anyway, Fridolin and Maruschka send their love and hope that you will soon be back on your feet!!!

Hellboy and Scout are so adorable!


Awww Upsie, I am so sorry. My mom's cat Valentino had Diabetes too (this was years ago). I'm so sorry, here's to a healthy new year for you!


ohno you poor cute little thing. you'll be better in no time tho! your still as cute as ever, if not cuter because you look sad, awwww ! hellboy and scout are so funny, thats cute overload material :)


Im going to miss those squirrels! they are the cutest things ever. What a wonderful job you have.

Poor Upsie - I hope you feel better soon. Youre my favorite blogging cat!


Bummer about the surgery. Is that good news for the squirrels? Happy WCB!


You poor kitty! I hope you feel better and get better soon! Oh my, I hope you can get your lovely fur brushed soon too, to restore you to your beautiful glory!


Taboo and Whaleshaman,

Upsie thanks you for the support. We had a freeze last night! Woke up with frost all over the yard and the water bowl outside had ice in it!!! Upsie went out in the yard for an hour and was really happy. She checked the squirrel cage to make sure they were gone!


Thanks for the concern. We're keeping our fingers crossed. She may not have diabetes. And she is losing weight slowly (the only way a cat should lose as you know).


Thank so much. Yes, that Scout is something isn't she? She was the boss of them all. When it was time to go to bed each night, she would literally take the food out of each squirrels mouth and bury it! Not eating allowed after dark. I never could figure out what that was all about!!!!


Thank you. Upsie still has very sensitive surgery sites on her skin right now. If you pet her, the skin starts twitching. And she gets upset--poor baby!!!!! But, she is acting a little better today.


Thanks! Yes, she's very happy the squirrels are gone--but she is not happy that the little feral cat is still here! (More about that next week!)


Thanks!! Yes, no that Upsie is off her serious pain medication (it was a Controlled Opiate!) that the vet prescribed, she is starting to realize that the squirrels are indeed gone!!!!!!


Of course she doesn't feel that it was for the best!!!! :):) She's quite miffed. Fortunately, she seems to like the diet cat food.

Rosa, Fridolin, and Maruschka,

Thanks! Yes, Hellboy and Scout are very cute. Poor Hellboy never did like me because he had West Nile Fever when I first got him. I think he associated that period of being sick with me!


Thank you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't have diabetes!!!! So far, it's a question mark. Sorry about poor Valentino.


Thanks! I think she's starting to recover. She was outside today and acting like she was feeling much better. I'll tell Scout and Hellboy that you think they are cute the next time I see them. :):)


Thank you! I miss them too, frankly. I look at their empty cage each day. Upsie is so happy that you like her and appreciates the support! :):)


Thanks! It is good for the squirrels that they are gone!!! And Upsie! :):)


Thank you! Yes, I would like to comb her too! You know that it will get more and more snarled if I don't do it soon. I think I will try today....carefully!!!!


I'm going to miss the squirrels. For about 3 days, we kept three babies that fell out of their nest until we found a wildlife rehabilitator that took them. I missed their cute faces very much, and your photos reminded me of them. But the cats definitely got more attention once they were gone.

Hope you're feeling better soon, Upsie!


Oh, Ups, that really sucks! I know that Spot hacked into my account recently and tried to warn you away... but really, it is for the best! You will be back on top in no time.

Oh, and bye-bye wilding squirrels! Is this their rumspringa?


Umm...I do think you should get some of that meatloaf or whatever is your favorite - maybe some tuna. Glad you are safe from the storm.


I love the fact you have a skwerl named Hellboy!

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