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November 06, 2006



This looks delicious, and the more feta on something, the better. I missed eating it when I was pregnant. Doctors advise against it because of the whole "unpasteurized" thing. Yum!


Sher that looks great. I love feta too.


((frantically googling quinoa))yum that looks really delish i have to try this quinoa someday, soup looks awesome, i love how you always put something extra atop your soups :):) ps. made the chili yesterday, WOW! followed the recipe to a tee, best chili i ever had...will post about it 1st defrost night for sure!!

Bea at La Tartine Gourmande

This sounds delicious indeed. Just the kind of one dish meal, perfect for comfort food. I love the idea of adding quinoa to it! Thanks for this lovely idea!


That looks like food!
Such a funny recipe, though; sort of "let's bang around in the kitchen and see what we've got, and -- hey this is good!" But yeah, it seems like you can never go wrong with Deborah Madison.


I just can't get into the "Q"


I never have quinoa, will search on the net and see what it looks like.
Sher, you do like spicy food... I got to think twice when I added the specifed amount of cumin in the chili... but, it flavors the food beautifully!


What a great combination: bookmark!


Sher, this looks so simple yet unique. I can't quite imagine this with the feta but I am going to try this one. Thanks-


You're right about it looking like an odd little soup. But since I love Deborah Madison's recipes, I'll have to give this one a try.



Well, this soup is Fetalicious! And the spinach tastes very good too. Yum. Wish I had a bowl now. You go have yourself a big chunk of feta! You deserve it.


Yes, it's a wonderful cheese, one of the many reasons I can't give up cheese.


I'm soooo glad you liked the chili. That Nigella Lawson has some good recipes! Can't wait to read your post about the chili! I just know the photos will be great.


This was very comforting--and tasty. I thought it was such a strange title--"Quinoa chowder". I couldn't understand that. But, it's a great soup.


So true about Deborah Madison. She has an impeccable sense of taste. If it had been anyone else, I would have figured "naw" when I read the recipe. But, since she said it was one of her favorite soups--I knew it would be good.


That's OK Jeff--it means there is more soup for me! :):) Hope Steph's finger is better.


Wow! I'm so happy that people liked the chili! Yes, I really do love cumin. I'm not a big fan of food being hot (from chilis). It hurts my tummy! Quinoa is a grain that tastes soft and a little crunchy. It tastes very good in salads.


Thank you! I liked your white chili recipe and plan to make that.


Yes, it is a strange sounding recipe! :):) But, how can you go wrong with all that feta? :):)


Isn't that the truth? If Deborah Madison says it's delicious--you know it must be very good!


I have only limited and mostly unsuccesful experience with quinoa which I blame more on me and the recipes I used than quinoa. I've been meaning to try it again and this looks like just the recipe.


I saw this soup on your blog, then visited Bunnyfoot via your link and decided to combine both of your recipes into something fun for dinner last night. This was the first time I'd used Quinoa and I loved it! I couldn't find fresh corn anywhere near philly so I substituted frozen niblets and about a 1/4 cup of creamed corn and it was awesome. Thanks so much for sharing this great soup!

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