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« WHB: Red Snapper With Warm Tomato-Saffron Vinaigrette | Main | Fall Feast-ival: Butternut Squash Soup »

October 19, 2006



Awwww! What sweet photos. Thanks for the update Sher. And, thanks for the mention! I so enjoyed talking with you on Monday. Next time we're going to have to get together for lunch - Mustards Grill perhaps? We arrived home yesterday evening, just in time to grab a bottle of wine and head to the beach with our friends. What a home coming!


Boo, ok, I SEE that you're a boy, you want to rate your pic PG13 or R? *LOL*... Sher, I just kidding... thanks goodness all these babies recovered from infections/disease. I didn't know squirrel's life span so short though...
sorry about your apple muffins. But who knows, maybe tomorrow the apples release more juice and moisten the cake huh (it did happen on mine). Good luck, they really don't look bad at all! And I enjoy so much reading your article in Fit Fare. True, pears taste great in salad!


They are SO CUTE. I did wildlife rehab for a number of years when I was in college and grad school in Ohio - I raised many a squirrel. I look forward to getting into rehab again someday - I really miss it. Kudos to you for doing such good work for these critters!


Oh man...they are cute for rats with fuzzy tails ;)


aww look at those guys! hellboy reminds me of my hamster - totally hates me whilst demanding treats. its cute. boo is ever so handsome, you deserve a trophy for your hardwork. 1st place squirrel helper :) that cannot be easy!!


I'm sure Pee-Wee will eventually come 'round...

eqj (the chocolate lady)

hello, fluffy little rodenctuals!

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