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« WCB: My Autumn Garden | Main | Weekend Herb Blogging: Meatballs In Chipotle Sauce With Cilantro »

October 22, 2006



Have fun with Glenna, Sher. And definitely do Mustards!! I'll be waiting for the photos!


Sounds like a wonderful time...yes, Mustards!

My sister's name is Glenna. You don't hear that name too often.

Melly http://www.sacramentofoodgroup.org


I hope the two of you have a fantastic time. (I know you will.) I wish I could come too!!


If those elves do show up at your house, please let them know that I am waiting for a visit from them at my house.

Lake Tahoe looks beautiful and a trip to Mustards Grill sounds pretty wonderful too. Sounds like you all will have a great time.


Hope all of you have a great time! The Wine Country, sounds great to me!


What a beautiful picture! So damn blue :)


Have fun! (And now there's new incentive to visit my friends who have a place on the north side ...!)

Ari (Baking and Books)

I think it's so awesome when bloggers get together.


How gorgeous that looks! I was in Tahoe a couple of years ago, for the first time. Wonderful.

Yes, Mustards is a given. Have a great time!


Drat those elves!! You mean to say they do that to YOU too!? I thought I was the only one they ignored.

But y'know.....it makes me wonder just what you were doing to that mop to break it....I mean, those suckers are pretty sturdy! Taking out some aggression about those elves, maybe?


how beautiful! one of these days chris and i have to go take a weekend trip to tahoe. i just did the same crash cleaning before company here too. forgot how nice it was to have a clean house! yes, def mustards...

Mr. Hendrix

Wow, what a purty place to visit. Have a great trip!

kross-eyed kitty

Wow! That looks stunning! Can I come to visit?!


Wow-beautiful. Have a great time with your pal!


What a gorgeous place for holiday... have fun, and enjoy your meal!

Bea at La Tartine Gourmande

I would love to be there too! Enjoy!

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