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« WOBAT: Wild Salmon With Horseradish And Potato Chip Crust | Main | WCB: What's The Big Deal? »

September 01, 2006



Sher, this looks fantastic, and sounds like a pretty easily adaptable recipe, too. I've never tried anything quite like this, but now it's on my list!



This is my first time on your site. Your fideos look amazing. Thanks for linking to my version of this delicious dish!


I wish Penzeys would start paying us commissions or referral fees, don't you? I have Penzeys bay leaves too and also Penzeys ancho chile powder. The stock sounds just sublime. I haven't heard of this dish before. Very interesting idea. I think I need to get a Deborah Madison cookbook. Somehow I missed her.

The photos are awesome, especially the stock photo with the chiles in it.


Wow Sher! This looks fabulous to say the least. Great post. I especially like the photo of the strained stock. Yum! Do you think the dish could be made with whole wheat pasta?

I have a real laurus nobilis that I got from a nursery a number of years ago in a 20 gallon pot. It's now growing through the pot and into the soil and is at least 6 feet tall. I mostly dry the leaves but sometimes just go out and pick a few fresh ones and throw them into a stew pot.


Never heard of "Dry Soup" before...very cool!


As I was reading that I was thinking that every single ingredient was something I love from the noodles to stock to onions....what's not to love? Big fingersnaps, girl!



It is very easy and like risotto it can be fixed in many different ways. Thanks for hosting WHB!


I enjoyed looking at your fideos. The garnishes you used looked so yummy!


You're so right about Penzeys. They should give us a discount at the very least. :):)


I've never made fideos with whole wheat pasta, but I can't see why it wouldn't work. I envy you having a laurus nobilis. You probably remember all the bay laurels here. They can make a bit of a mess on the sidewalks at certain times of the year.


I love that term, "dry soup". It sort of captures the dish perfectly.


Thanks! I think Gene might like this dish!


oh thanks for the info about bay leaves. I got to threw away mine (bought from an Asian store) as it gave me a funny (sort of minty) after-taste. Btw, how can I tell the types of bay leaves (think of McCormick brand not saying anything...), or do I need to go to speciality store?
Sher, I really love this trinity...cheese, chilantro and sour cream!


This is weird -- only this morning I was rooting through recipes I've printed out over the years, looking for one for -- Sopa de Fideos! Isn't that a coincidence. And then I see this (not that I wasn't concentrating on Upsie). I love how you did the photos of the process. It has always scared me a little, and again today, I ended up making something else. I think your description might give me the guts to actually try this soup! It sounds like something I would go nuts for.



I really recommend going to www.Penzeys.com. Their spices and herbs are so much better than the stuff in the store. Plus, they will describe the different types of products very well. They are just wonderful.


This is one of those fun coincidences! I think the universe is telling you to make fideos! It's such an easy recipe too. Much easier than risotto. I think you'll love it! Next time I'm going to put some avocado on it.


thanks for the web site. ah-ha, now I can relate what you and Kalyn talked about; as before I misundertood Penzeys was just another brand like McCormick, hehee... Ok, just browsed the site, already picked a few things! Sher, you're such a good help!



Yes, Penzeys is the best. But, be careful, I always wind up going crazy and buy so many things! :)


Great post! looks different and interesting enough to try! and your other commenters are so right. Pensey's is great! p

Boston Chef

wow, this is a very interesting recipe - and seems pretty easy. never really heard of "dry soup" before - we are intrigued and we will definitely be giving this a shot! thanks!


whoa... a pasta dish I've never heard of?? i think my head just imploded with possibilities!! this looks SO good and SO intriguing... i MUST try!
thanks sher!


Sher, I can't wait to try this. I have never heard of it before and it looks so good.

That stock looks like heaven and I love cilantro.

I'm having trouble this week reading all the WHB posts because I am busy. I'm glad I didn't miss this one.

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