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« WCB: What's The Big Deal? | Main | La Festa Al Fresco: Curry Chicken Skewers With Eggplant Relish and Tomato Chutney Vinaigrette »

September 03, 2006



I've still got about 20 pounds of tomatoes left I haven't canned(I ended up harvesting over 200 pounds this year), I'm going to make a little batch of this today. Thanks for the idea.


Those skinned tomatoes ARE beautiful! Just gorgeous! The finished product is pretty gorgeous looking too and sounds delicious.


Sher, i love posts like this with step-by-step photo guide. Brilliant job - i know how hard it is to shoot while cooking. The colours of the tomatoes are gorgeous.


That does look really really good...interesting that you used golden raisins.


Oh, now Sher, I'll have to get back to the Coop to pick up yet another bushel of tomatoes so I can make this! Slow roasted tomatoes and marinara sauce a la Kalyn and now this wonderful tomato chutney. Will our work never cease? Beautiful, beautiful photos, great recipe, I want some right this minute! Thank you!
PS - My Mustard's Grill book is being shipped to me right now. Can't wait to get my hands on it.



That's wonderful!!!! I certainly didn't get that amount of tomatoes. I'm thinking that I may make more things like the chutney and can it. They certainly turn an ordinary meal into something more interesting.


Thank you! I keep discovering more things to pair the chutney with.


Thanks! Yes, it can be hard to take a picture, particularly when your hands are messy from cooking!


I love golden raisins, but the recipe specified them, so I was very happy to comply.


I predict that you will be very happy with your Mustards Grill cookbook. The pictures are wonderful--and the recipes too. And it stays open, so that you can have it there while you're cooking, to check the recipe.

I'm going to need to go to the farmer's market and buy tomatoes to supplement mine if I want to make more sauce for Winter.


sher that looks so delicious, tangy and sweet and tomatoey. i think i could just eat it with a spoon, yumm. (i am a secret sauce by the spoon of all kinds eater) i am knocked out over how perfectly you peeled the tomatos!

kross-eyed kitty

That looks delicious! I did make your Onion Jam, and it turned out wonderful!


I have only tasted restaurant chutney so I now have a recipe to try. Thanks so much for the post.

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