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« Corn Chowder | Main | WHB: Fideos, Mexican Dry Soup »

August 30, 2006



It sure does look good.


Oh wow! That looks wonderful! What a great way to combine comfort food with healthy food. Great job, Sher!


Oh wow..my salmon snob for a wife would love that!


It sounds like a really unlikely combination, yet a really, REALLY good combination. Yum!

Lisa Morgan

Well, I guess at first blush it sounds slightly obnoxious. But on second thought (and after reading the ingredient list), it sounds delightful. I'm crazy about horseradish, and obviously -- nothing beats potato chips! I am going to have to try this. I will look for wild salmon, too.


Sher, I am literally sitting here drooling at my desk. That sounds utterly delicious.... you can't go wrong with fish'n'chips!!


not fair! now i'm so hungry for this, sher you have really gone and done it this time. we must be on the same craving schedule because this looks yumyumgood. i know those chips - kettle lightly salted, awyeah...


I think your very clever recipe must be the winner of WOBAT this week! Take a bow!


This looks delicious Sher. Crisy crust and salmon sounds like a good combination. I also like the corn chowder... am making it this weekend.



Thanks, it lived up to its looks.


Thanks to WOBAT, I discovered this dish. I don't think I would have tried it otherwise.


I'm a salmon snob too! :) Has she ever eaten Copper River salmon? Now that's like going to heaven.


It really was a great combination. Everything came together just perfectly!


I think that the way of fixing this is really good (besides the chips) because it's so simple and the salmon stays moist. I will make this again. Some day I'll do a huge one for a crowd.


Exactly!! Great way to put it!!!! Fish & chips! :)


I am knocked out! You knew exactly what kind of chips they were-the plain lightly salted!! Wow! You are a chip expert!


(Blush). Let me pull out my long list and thank eveyone who got me here. First, I want to thank my agent.....................


Oh, I'm so glad you're doing the chowder! I think you will like it very much.


It's too crazy to broil the fish for the 2nd time... the crust must be insanely crispy! Sher, great write-up for wild salmon!


Hi Sher,
I'm really happy to met you and...your blog!
This recipe is really tasty and your cat is amazingly nice!
Kisses, Saffron



The little minute of broiling just adds a little color, and a person could skip it. I was surprised that the crust was lightly crunchy, not hard crunchy, if you know what I mean.


Thanks so much!! I enjoyed my visit to your blog too! And Upsie thanks you big time!

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