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« Aioli Bodega Espanola | Main | WCB: How I Learned To Tolerate Kayaks »

August 25, 2006



this looks so delicious, i love all those flavors. food from the garden always tastes so much better :)


I love Penzey's sweet paprika. I buy the sweet and the hot both. And paprika comes from peppers, which are plants, therefore completely eligible for WHB!! Sounds delicious. I'm wishing I had planted some eggplant, but there's always next year.


I think it wouldn't be a terrible thing if there was some shaved parmasan on top? :)


Oh YUM, Sher. This is my kinda food. Oh, yeah, I low carb, so I'd have to figure something else to under that wonderful veggie stew!


I just recently made a veggie-couscous dish that called for chickpeas as well; I was out of chickpeas, but it was great regardless. What's up with the couscous-chickpea combo mania out there? Not necessary!


What a great stew. I'm printing this one out to make for my parents.


I love eggplant in stew, and it complements very well with couscous! I think it's fine even without any cheese :)... well, best to send me some to taste, hehee...



Yes, I will miss the sweet flavor of my garden veggies when the season is over!


I had a lot of success with eggplant, so do give it a try next year. I bet you get lots of them.


And I have a big hunk of parmesan and never thought to put it on! Next time....


It's sort of like ratatouille, so you could just use it as a side without anything under it.


Chickpeas seem to be so popular now. I remember when you didn't see them very much, but that's all changed.


I think your parents will enjoy it. (Fingers crossed!)


Someday maybe bloggers will be able to send a taste of their dish over the Internet to each other?? :):)


this way we no more licking our pc monitors!


Oh, you've done it again! My favourite aubergine!!!! I'm eagerly awaiting for dinner to cook [i'm roasting beef tonight]. And you're making me soooo hungry than i already am!


Sher, I've been trying to come up with a way to use my teeny eggplant harvest -- we don't have much, but the ones that are growing really are lovely. This recipe is right up there at the top of my list of possibilities -- it looks terrific! Thanks for sharing it with us.


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