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« Fourth Of July: Ahi Tuna Burgers | Main | WCB: Deep Thoughts About Treachery »

July 07, 2006



This looks delicious and perfect for summer. I'm glad your air conditoning is back on. We've had so many hot and humid days here in the NE, if I didn't have my bedroom air unit, I would melt!


That's PERFECT for hot summer days. Can't wait to try it.


Ooh, I make a dish very similar to this but not with the mint!


IT is my first visit here, don't worry.. I'll come back.. - your Blog is very beautiful,I love it- thank you :-)


Hi Sher,
Beautiful salad. The black beans look so pretty next to the avos and tomatoes. I too love D. Madison's recipes. Did you know she grew up in Davis?
So glad to read that your air conditioner is working again. I know all too well what it's like to live in that heat. I'll bet Upsie's happier too.


whao! what a glorious salad! Your vinaigrette has many flavors in it, I like it!

Cate O'Malley

Looks gorgeous - and so healthy!


Salads like this are always a good thing when it's 100 degrees outside.


i think i'd forgo cooking the beans entirely and use canned beans
too hot to cook anything in my apt for an hour, but this sounds too good to not try it someday


Very interesting.I had used black beans only.It's first time that I am hearing dried beans.



My AC is working, but each day I say a prayer that it will kick in. It needs a special part that's been ordered and I hope it doesn't die again before the part comes in.


Yes, it's easy to make, and it's very healthy too. Can't beat that.


This is a pretty simple black bean mixture--it's the dressing that makes it a little different. The mint is really nice.


Thanks for visiting! I enjoyed my visit to your blog too.


Thank you. I recently found out that Deborah is from Davis. She is an inspiration to anyone who loves to cook. I'm never disappointed with her recipes. Upsie is pretty happy, although I can't understand how it can be fun with all that fur.


I'm a big fan of cumin and coriander, so I must admit I love this salad.


Thank you!


Yes, even though I love salad anytime, it just seems better when the temperatures are hot. Just read on your blog that you are cooking in a kitchen with 100 degree temperatures!


Canned beans would make this so much easier, I must admit.


I like to use the dried beans if I use them in something like this salad. But, canned beans are good too. I always keep some cans of beans on hand.



I must must must make this dressing/vinaigrette. oh and I am not a superwoman. Laundry is NOT done and vacuuming is NOT done. And I really really really don't want to do it. I think I will cook instead.


Wow, just saw this, and it looks awesome! DucCat doesn't do cumin- or mint, really, but I'll bet this would make a wonderful lunch throughout the week.

Sorry about the A/C, yuck! Visit your local library!


I'm glad to hear that the AC is kind of holding on, and will soon be fixed. The salad sounds fabulous. I agree, the canned black beans are ok in a pinch, but freshly cooked beans are by far superior.


What a gorgeous salad. I'm getting together with old friends tomorrow and this will be a perfect lunch.

Thanks for sharing.


Thanks again for the recipe. I wrote about it and linked to your site.

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