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« Weekend Herb Blogging: Black Bean And Pepper Salad, With Cumin And Mint Vinaigrette | Main | Salmon With Mushroom Sauce »

July 08, 2006



I love that darned cat.


go easy on 'em upsie daisy, thank you for displaying your formidable underbite to us finally! you just tickle my funnybone plain and simple.


That is too funny! You broke me up with that tuna breath comment. Nothing gets past these furballs!


Upsie, you could climb any mountain you wanted- thank goodness that you have the good sense not to! ;)

However, great pic of Dad, and much luck to him!


Hmmm, I've never really thought about mountain climbing like this. Thanks for opening my eyes to the consequences. I won't be mountain climbing either. So there!

Please be kind on your revenge... :)


Upsie, my daughter just walked by as I was reading your deep thoughts and she looked and said "Awwwwwww". She thinks you're cute!

P.S. I'd be a little upset about the tuna too! ;o)


Hi Upsie! I wonder what you have in store for yr Mum and Dad.


Upsie- you're way too smart a girl to go hiking. Stay on level land so you can hunt down the ahi wherever it may lie!



Upsie says that you should bake her a tuna flavored cake!


How did you know that Upsie's full name is Upsie Daisy? :):) You're psychic!


Upsie says she should at least get some nice Italian tuna--to celebrate the World Cup.


The mountain thing is a bit much. Bob came back fine--and then he slept for nearly 18 hours straight. I kept checking to make sure he was alive.


Upsie has still not exacted her revenge. i think she is waiting until our quard is down--then she will strike!


But, she never shares her dry cat food with us!!!!!


We wonder too! Will it be something simple like a hair ball on our bed--or something much more devious?


So true! There's nothing good to eat on a mountain!


You know I had to run before I could comment on this the other day but seriously it has had me laughing for a couple of days.


Upsie also deserves a piece of Ahi Tuna fish ;-)))!...

She is really a cute cat; I love her ways a lot!

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