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« Pre-Flight Preparations | Main | She's Back.. »

June 15, 2006



Little cutie, how can you abandon her?? LOL!

One of my cats goes on a yowl fest everytime I'm, away and leave her with my hubby!

Aren't cats the most awesome of creatures!!


Poor Upsie. You should totally climb in as a stowaway. She'll never know you're there!


Oh Sher,
Your cat's so cute and smart... seems telling you, 'either take everything or nothing!' Good luck!


Be strong, Upsie, we're rooting for you!

And Sher, have a great time seeing the family!


Amazing pics .. Cat looks really cute ..



me thinks upsie should take take advantage of this downtime to work on her '07 calendar.


hi, i bloghopped from gattina's. your blog is cool, i like it!


Poor Upsie! She definitely looks very upset with life. Hope things get better. Maybe daddy will get you a nice catnip toy to make it up?

clare eats

Oh poor Upsie what ever will you do?
I don't think you would appreciate airplane travel though. Purrhaps you need to suck up to dad instead?


Upsie is my favourite cat. Tres photogenic!


My goodness, Upsie -- here I thought your mom had been on vacation already for a week! So, it's just starting, eh? Don't worry; I'll send your dad lots of "keep food bowl full" and "comb hair" vibes. Take a look at George; he's concentrating, too.


Poor little Upsie! She nust be very upset... Anyway, she'll get through those "difficult" times.

As always, she is super cute!

Lynn D.

Well, foxtails are a very big deal. Years ago, we vacationed in Ashland, Oregon for the Shakespeare Festival with another couple and their little, poodle-cocker spaniel dog. We were camping and took the dog for a walk. She got a foxtail in her nose. It's like a fish hook! We got to see "As You Like It," but our friends got to spend the time with their pooch at the vet. Upsie, you'll be fine.


Wow... I've never heard of these aggressive weeds, Upsie. Are they only local to your area?

Cat World Domination Headquarters

Dear Upsie --

Just wanted to make sure you remember the official cat code of conduct for greeting Mom after an absence.

Ignore her. No lap-sitting, no purring, no acknowledgement that Mom exists for at least 24 hours.

Only after Mom has sufficiently fawned over you, tried to entreat you with food and kitty treats, and spent time coaxing you to pay attention to her is it ok to stop giving her the disdainful looks and making her feel guilty.

Until that time, remember, indifferent and aloof is the name of the game.

-- Headquarters


Hello Sher.

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