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« Weekend Herb Blogging: Salmon, Red Potato and Asparagus Salad | Main | Ginger Chicken For The Accident Prone Personality »

June 03, 2006



Ha! How cute! Tasha & Bella would NOT know what to do with a toy chicken. Actually, they may hiss at it I suppose and hide behind me :-P


That cat has the most hilarious expressions. Does it have a substance abuse problem?


How do you get Upsie to look like she's actually talking to the camera? So freaking cute!


I've decided that Upsie needs to go on the talk show circuit and give kitty cat lectures, such the great talker is she! She'd be a hit on Oprah!


Awww, Upsie is so cute with her toy chicky.


OMG...that top photo is just the best! What a beautiful smile:)


Upsie really looks like she's talking. What a great picture.


Upsie is so adorable with her toy! Her face is really very expressive... And I love that chicken of hers!

clare eats

At least Upsie would get up and play!


haaha rupert the chicken. i *love* upsie, that face, the fluff. those eyes at halfmast, omg.


Two fluffy creatures! I think Rupert the chicken must be the funniest cat toy I've ever seen.


Fluffy kitties, fluffy chickies, oh my!



I think Upsie would have destroyed Rubert when she was younger, but she's 9 years old now and very blase.


Yes, Upsie is addicted to Pounce cat treats!!!


Upise talks all the time. In fact, she drives us crazy. And her meow is rather awful!

Boo, Kt, D, and Rosa,

Thank you, Upsie does love a compliment.


Upsie has mastered the art of repose, that's for sure.

Aria, Lisa, s'kat,

Yes, Rupert sort of looks like Upsie. Maybe that's why she hasn't destroyed him!

Weeding the Garden

Love the cat and how it looks like it owns you and everything around it...


Weeding the garden,

Hey, you must have met Upsie!!! You know her well!


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