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May 30, 2006


Barbara (Biscuit Girl)

YUM! Your bread pudding looks fantastic. I'm going to have to try this recipe.


That looks really good, but I'm going to hold off trying it until the weather cools down a bit.


Man, oh, man, that looks amazing! I've never made a bread pudding before but THAT, I will try!




I love copying you , Sher! This will be dinner at my house tomorrow night except I'll have to add some ham or chicken or my husband just might waste away and die on the spot from the mere thought of a dinner without meat. There's meat and then everything else: bread, pasta, rice, vegetables, etc., are all just annoying condiments in the world of meat.


WOW, yeah, that sounds amazing! i love savory bread pudding... a lot. But this will have to wait til fall, my tiny, east facing apartment is beginning to heat up just from the sun, it's officially hit no-more-cooking-at-ann's-house weather


oh mine! I have to try your pudding, it's divine!!! And I wish I could have checked your squash salad earlier... I bought a zucchini and didn't how how to put it in salad (the way I like). Yours do look very good!


Okay, Sher. That was so good I have to go to church on Sunday because anything that gives me that much pleasure most assuredly will send me to hell. Holy Cow, that was good and Gene loved it too. Well he did say "More Meat!" but his mouth was full at the time and he was shoveling up another huge bite on his fork. Thanks for that one. It's going into my official rotation.


Barbara & Shannon,

I hope you like it if you make it--it's very simple, I must say.



Steven & Ann,

I know. It's heating up here, just in time for the best fruits to make jam! Ugh! Not fun to make jam when it's hot.


I'm so glad the pudding turned out so well for you and Gene. I wish I could have seen him shoveling it in his mouth. :)


Yes, I've been confused by some zuchinni myself. I'm glad you liked my salad--it was extremely easy to make.


a savory pudding, whaaaaaaaaat?! yum, yum, and YUM. I cant wait to make this, omg :)


Sher, regarding the jam, I cheated and put an electric stove out on my sun porch for canning and jam!

gabriella true

WOW. that looks fabulous. I have never even thought of savory bread pudding and now it sounds so obvious. I need to make this. Oh my god I am hungry.


This looks delicious. It sounds summery but it could also make the perfect comfort food for us, the frozen foodies in the Southern Hemisphere.


Interesting! I would've never thought to do a savory bread pudding. Have you ever tried a savory flan before?


make your bread pudding... sooooo good!!! I can't see any single drop of oil! Yes, really as light as souffle! Fantastic! Hope you don't mind... I added this link in my recent post.



Thank you! Hope you make it. Several people have told me they liked it very much.


That's the best way to do it. Several of my relatives have installed stoves outside too, for cooking fried chicken and making jam. Wish I had that.


I'm so glad that people like the recipe. I was afraid it looked a little homely in the photo! :)


Yes, since it bakes in the oven, it would be great for your time of the year.


No, I haven't heard of it, but I imagine a savory flan would be wonderful.


Thank you for putting the link in your post! Your bread pudding looks wonderful--I like the idea of putting potatoes in it. Your photos are always beautiful, by the way.


This looks extremely tempting. Yum!



Thank you!


oh yeah, one more thing Are you becoming attached to my risks dish Nice joke! What goes faster than a rabbit in a field? A rabbit in a blender.

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