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« Weekend Herb Blogging: Spicy Stir-Fried Shrimp with Hot and Sour Salad | Main | Finally!!!!! »

April 08, 2006


Eleanor Jensen

Hi there,

Just read that you're an animal rehabilitator - you must do great work - do you take care of birds also? Rufus and I are excited to discover your blog - what a beautiful literate cat you have - sorry to hear you're both housebound due to the rain!!! That shrimp dish looks good too.


First with the good music tastes and now with the excellent reading tastes! That Upsie is a cultured cat after my own heart. My cat?--currently batting around a piece of trashed fished out of the garbage. Sigh.

Gigolo Kitty

Upsie is a kitty with the most excellent literary tastes!


What excellent taste Upsie has, especially on the Colin Firth choice ;p


Sher, 'fess up, how many times have you watched "P&P?" Just curious! Me, I've seen it about twenty or so. :)



Thanks! I worked exclusively with birds for several years, then I was asked to do squirrels. I know that squirrels can drive people crazy, but they're very sweet when they're babies. Then they turn into thugs at about 12 weeks :) Upsie loves reading about Rufus.


I've seen the Colin Firth version of P&P at least a dozen times. And I like Sense and Sensibility too. Did you know that Emma Thompson is married to the guy who played Willoughby? Actually, Upsie is more a Tarantino fan.

Gigolo Kitty,

Upsie thanks you and she says you are a Superstar!! She's loves to read your exploits. They are amazing.


Sigh---Colin. Those intense eyes!! Upsie is sad to hear that you have to see the dentist.


Sher, I did not know that about Emma T.!

clare eats

Love the book!

Upsie you look beautiful as always :)

kross-eyed kitty

Upsie is asking for a Downsie belly-rub!

Backyard Chef

What a cutie! Looks just like my old pal, Caesar, who is now in the catnip patch beyond. Is Upsie a himalayan?


OMG-I absolutely love these pictures. Especially the first one. Upsie reminds me so much of two of my kitties-Louie, who is the same color as Upsie, and Chubbie, who is "Reubenesque" and does the belly flop thing like your kitty.



I love any Jane Austin book. She was drool.

Kross-eyed kitty,

Upsie loves to have her tummy rubbed. She doesn't bite like some cats.

Backyard Chef,

Not sure about Upsie. It look like she has himalayan in her, but a Vet also said she might have Maine Coon Cat too. She was a stray, so.....


I love that term "Reubenesque"!! It makes fat sound so attractive, doesn't it? :):):)

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