So, there I was innocently minding my own business last Wednesday night. That was the night I had the Wok Tossed Salmon with Chilis, which set my psycho acid reflux on a rampage, waking me up early Thursday morning with CHEST PAINS. Now, I always get chest pains when my acid reflux goes nuts. But, this time, I also had A PAIN IN MY ARM. The left arm, in fact. So, I played a fun mental game, which goes like this: "I'm dying!" "No, it's just GERD." "No, it's the big one!!" Finally, I went to the ER and after some tests, nice Dr. Wong decided the pain was from my acid reflux (damn those chili peppers). However, nice Dr. Wong also decided the EKG was a little hinky (it had bundles or tendrils or something like that) and I wound up being admitted to the hospital, "just for the night". It's a long annoying story of how I wound up staying there, a virtual prisoner in my room, for FOUR DAYS. And the final word? I have a tiny little bit of scarring in my heart, which they call an "artifact". And this means that sometime in the past, I had a itty bitty heart attack! Yikes! I guess I'll have to start limiting the buttercream frosting.
This is never good to read just before you eat your meal.
Don't be fooled. It was completely tasteless.
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