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March 07, 2006



I remember that day, it was delicious, but so large a portion. We don't mind you using these pictures--as long as they aren't close-ups!!!!!!

Next time, I'll order the lemon merinque pie, It's my favorite and skip the entree

Love, Bunty


I just recently ordered a tostada somewhere and was lamenting the so-soggy-I-couldn't-even-cut-it-with-a-knife aspect of the tortilla swimming underneath. Bravo for rescuing it in this fab recipe!



It's so odd how the tortilla--the thing that's supposed to be the most important aspect of a tostada (in my opinion anyway) is often inedible. And I agree--you can't even cut them with a knife. Obviously--this is a major crisis! Well, for me at least. :):):)


You are so right. I want to taste all of the ingredients in one bite--including the tortilla.



Are we crazy, but isn't that the whole point of a tostada? :):)

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