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« Weekend cat blogging 38 | Main | Poached halibut in lemon-thyme broth »

February 26, 2006


clare eats

That is a nice looking soup!
Love Rosemary it grows really well in Sydney too!


I love the photo of the flowering rosemary. The soup sounds wonderful. I've been meaning to buy this cookbook for a while now.


Know what you mean about the rosemary. I felt the same when we came to Arizona and made sure I had some growing in my garden. The soup looks wonderful.


yum, that looks awesome! i love split pea soup, i think this is now officially on my list to make:)


Clare and Fran,

I'm always amazed at how well rosemary grows, when it's happy. And it's so tough. I had one in a garden and it rarely got watered--still grew and grew.


I highly recommend the Green's Cookbook. It's become my favorite.


I was very happy with this version. I love split pea too.


Hi Sher,
Your soup looks so tasty. I'll try this.


Isil, Sometimes I'm not sure if people will like something as much as I do--but I think most people will really like this soup.


Made it, love it! It makes a lot of soup too; I usually have to double recipes in order to get enough leftover soup for me and mine for a few days. Yay!



Whew! Glad you liked it. I figured you would, but you never know if someone will say, "I wasted my time making that???" :):):) Wish I had some right now.


I appreciate this great site of good taste and knowledge of fine cooking. Bless you in the delight of life. Peace!


my split pea soup is to sweet. What can I do to take away the sweetness?

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