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Main | Just Call Me Ventresca Breath »

November 02, 2005



I love this blog! Who are you and what else do you have hidden in the recesses of that 'black hole' cabinet? And are you sure you're not talking about the cabinet in my kitchen!!



Sheri this is FABULOUS. I think we might have the same family.


WOW!! As friends at WHS I always knew you were a creative genius, so this wonderful recipe comes as no surprise!!! I wonder if the tomatoes you grow are as tasty as the ones from the good old midwest?? Love the recipe, keep them coming!!


FABULOUS rendition of both the tale and the meal! Enjoyed the reading immensely; will try the recipe. (Sadly, no food mill exists in MY black hole of a cabinet, but I'm a whiz at blitzing things in the food processor - whether called for or not!) Keep the stories and recipes coming; I think you've got a future here, kid!


Thank you all for the support! It is greatly appreciated.

Helene, I think we should all peek into our black hole cabinets from time to time. Who knows what lurks there.

FellowClassmate, I think there are a lot of families like ours. Is that good or scary?

Char, I can't grow those marvelous beefsteak tomatoes like we did in Illinois. The heat out here in the Central Valley is too hard on them. Sniff.

Lizz, you now have that fabulous new designer kitchen, so you can whip up this recipe with no problems. But, hey----no pressure!!


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